Digital Dialogs 1

Participating in Digital Dialogs is a way for you to articulate your scholarly and pedagogical interests with hot topics in rhetoric, writing, digital humanities, and technology. You can participate in Digital Dialogs in a variety of online communities and/or publications that deal with intersections of rhetoric, writing, and technology, including HASTAC, Kairos, Enculturation, Blogging Pedagogy, the Blogora, the Chronicle of Higher Education, or Inside Higher Ed. You may also participate in Digital Dialogs from your own website or social network provided that you engage others in the conversation. >>>

I used Storify to make a record of a session at CCCC 2014: #n36 “Never Mind Geoffrey Sirc: A Tribute Panel” took place during the last session of #4c14. The panel included Cynthia Haynes, Byron Hawk (in absentia), Victor Vitanza, Jenny Rice, Jeff Rice, Thomas Rickert, and the man himself, Geoff Sirc.

I submit this project for a Digital Dialogs badge under the category of “Remediated texts and mash-ups.” I chose Storify because I already had a good sense of how the media tool worked, so I was able to pull in lots of different media to compose my project: pictures, YouTube videos, links, and even a Vine video of Victor Vitanza (\/\/\/\/!).

The Storify itself is a remediation not only of the Cs panel, but of texts cited on the panel, including Sirc’s original “Nevermind the Tagmemics… Where’s the Sex Pistols?”. It’s also a mash-up of the work of many of the panel’s live tweeters and other documentarians. I think Storify is great for making connections with other people who attended the same panels as you (or wanted to but couldn’t), because if you quote them, you can have Storify notify them on Twitter: a great way to ask someone who shares your interests to read your Storify. Sirc-ulating the Storify link on Facebook even got Sirc’s attention, and the promise of “17 expensive drinks.”

But this Storify is also about remediation and mash-up. Haynes says Sirc’s punk aesthetic tarnishes rhet/comp when we get too shiny. The video by Byron Hawk presents the problem of three-dimensional composition through a musical stomp box. Vitanza, in the endless loop of my vine video, asks “Have we forgotten Shaughnessy? And yes, the question has a pre-question: Have we forgotten Shaughnessy? …” Jenny Rice, in a meditation on lines, brings the audience to tears. Jeff Rice juxtaposes Sirc and his early Sirc memories. Rickert thanks Sirc for teaching him to chase his own virtuousity. And Sirc says: “What I really wanted to do was get a coffin so I could lay in it and listen to these papers.”

This Storify turned out, I think, to be something really special, like the Cs panel was. Storify allowed me to capture an ephemeral in-meatspace experience, share it and preserve a collaborative record of it.