As scholars, artists, poets and otherwise, we are proposing an imaginative refiguring of the periodic table. We seek contributions of prose, poetry, line drawings or graphics, or forms (i.e. musical compositions) that might readily adapt to a simple folded chapbook. 

There will be at least one contribution for each element (118). Contributors may also select multiple elements, or work with their combinations in the form of a molecule (for example, hydrogen and oxygen in water). We encourage contributors to think broadly and imaginatively through an element; to consider less common elements and to use letter combinations as inspiration (e.g. FeAr). Entries can engage elements in more or less literal ways. We hope the simplicity of form, of folds, will open a proliferation of hues, fields, and approaches. Each chapbook can support 750 words, or 500 words and an image (300 dpi). Chapbooks will be released as “issues” of 20 over 2-3 years.

Upcoming submission deadlines 

Issue 1: March 15, 2025

Issue 2: June 15, 2025

Issue 3: September 15, 2025

Send letter of interest to confirm element/s and discuss details

errantelements [at]