This category includes things like calendars, tasks lists, wikis, mind-mapping software, spreadsheets, and databases. It may also include online writing and productivity tools (Pomodoro,, Draft, etc.). The ways you document your skills in this area are especially important: screen capture, screen grab, flow charts, and flowcapping can all be used to document your digital workflow. >>>
I decided to highlight the productivity and workflow tools I use by making a poster in Photoshop that displays relevant features and comments on what each tool is useful for. I think it displays nicely on this site, but you can download the .png or blow it up in your browser by clicking below–or you can “tour” the poster using Prezi.
Here’s a live link to the blog post I mention: How to Respond to a “Revise and Resubmit” from an Academic Journal: Ten Steps to a Successful Revision.