
Biblical and Jewish Studies

Standing Before God in the Hebrew Bible:: Rhetorically Centering Individuals’ Petitions at the Dedication of the Temple (1 Kgs 8). Rhetorica 42.3 (2024): 217-241.

The Centrality of Individual Petitions in Temple Rituals: Hannah, Solomon, and First-Person Psalms. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament, 48.4 (2024): 513-538.

Review of Carol Newsom, Rhetoric and Hermeneutics: Approaches to Text, Tradition and Social Construction in Biblical and Second Temple Literature, Rhetorica, 40.3 (2022) 322-323.

Persuading God: Rhetorical Studies of First-Person Psalms, Sheffield-Phoenix Press, 2015; paperback, 2018. Link at Sheffield  Link at Amazon

  • Philippus J. Botha, Review of Biblical Literature, January 2017. []
  • Stanley Porter, Rhetorica, November 2019
  • Jason M.H. Gaines, AJS Review, (November 2019) 43.2
  • Simon Chi Chung Cheung, Journal of Theological Studies, March 2020
  • H.G.M. Williamson, Journal of Jewish Studies, Spring 2020, 187-90

Taking a Stance Toward God: Rhetoric in the Book of PsalmsJewish Rhetorics , Michael Bernard-Donals and Jan Fernheimer, eds. Brandeis University Press, 2015. 1-15.

Maintaining Innocence Before a Divine Hearer: Deliberative Rhetoric in Psalm 22, Psalm 17, and Psalm 7. Biblical Interpretation 21.1 (2013): 33-63.

Keeping the Faithful: Persuasive Strategies in Psalms 4 and 62Journal of Hebrew Scriptures, 12.16 (2012). DOI:10.5508/jhs.2012.v12.a16

Performativity and Persuasion in the Hebrew Book of Psalms: A Rhetorical Analysis of Psalms 22 and 116, Rhetoric Society Quarterly, 40.3 (2010) 247-268. (This pdf is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here by permission of the Rhetoric Society of America  for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Rhetoric Society Quarterly, Volume 40 Issue 3, May 2010. doi:10.1080/02773941003785660)

Rhetorical Theory

Stasis: Moving People to Action, in Jeanne Fahnestock and Randy Harris, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Persuasion, 2022, 78-95.

The Short and the Long of It: Rhetorical Amplitude at Gettysburg.  Rhetoric and Public Affairs 21, no. 2 (2018): 317-342.

Persuasion, Audience, and Argument (2007) with Carolyn Miller.  In Handbook of research on writing, pp. 715-734. Routledge, 2009.

Reading and Writing Processes

A validation study of students’ end comments: Comparing comments by students, a writing instructor, and a content instructor (2009) with Patchan and Schunn

Commenting on Writing: Typology and Perceived Helpfulness of Comments from Novice Peer Reviewers and Subject Matter Experts (2006) with Cho and Schunn

The Effects of Culture-Specific Rhetorical Conventions on the L2 Reading Recall of Chinese Students (2002) with Chu and Swaffar

Learning to Write in a Genre (1995) with Carlson

Epistemological Style and Attitudes Toward Writing (1995) with Palmquist and Newman

The Impact of Hypertext on Processes of Reading and Writing (2001/1994)

Distributed Collaborative Writing (1994) with Neuwirth, Chandok,Wojahn, Kim

Writing Quality and Readers’ Judgments of Résumés (1992) with Ferreira-Buckley and Rayman

The Validity of Using Holistic Scoring to Evaluate Writing (1984)

Rhetoric and Science

Getting to “how do you know” instead of “so what?” from “what’s new?” (2015) 

Lone Geniuses in Popular Science: The Devaluation of Scientific Consensus (2003)

Moving Beyond the Moment: Reception Studies in the Rhetoric of Science (2001) with Paul and Kendall

Introducing Chaos (Theory) Theory into Science and Engineering: Effects of Rhetorial Strategies on Scientific Readers, with Paul (1995)

A Study in Rhetorical Reading: How Evolutionists Read ‘Spandrels of San Marco’ (1993)

Research Methods

Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Research (2002)

From Logocentrism To Ethocentrism: Historicizing Critiques of Writing Research (1998) 

Empiricism is Not a Four-Letter Word (2004/1996)


Skill Learning and the Design of Effective Computer Manuals

Evaluating Professional Discourse: How Well Does It Work for Real Readers (2002)

Goal Setting and Procedure Selection in Acquiring Computer Skills (1990) with Reder and Kusbit

Studies in Elaboration in Instructional Texts (1988)  full-text at google books

Initial Skill Learning (1987) with Reder

Designing Interactive Tutorials (1986) with Reder

Elaborations and Learning a Skill from an Instructional Text (1986)

Redesigning and Testing a Work Order Form (1984)

Composition, Rhetoric, and Pedagogy

Constructing Rhetorical Education (1992) with Marie Secor Link at SIU Press

Having Your Say: Reading and Writing Public Arguments with Chris Neuwirth, Dave Kaufer, and Cheryl Geisler (2006) Pearson/Longman. Sample Chapter: Concession and Rebuttal