Dustin Hixenbaugh
Curriculum vitae, November 2015
2016 |
Ph.D., Comparative Literature, University of Texas at Austin. Dissertation: “Inventing Cuauhtémoc: The Conquest of Mexico in the Nineteenth-Century Historical Novel.” Supervised by John Morán González and César A. Salgado. |
2011 |
M.A., Comparative Literature, University of Texas at Austin. Thesis: “Supplement to a Superficial Education: Didacticism and Performance in Júlia Lopes de Almeida’s Livro das noivas (1896). Supervised by Sónia Roncador and César A. Salgado. |
2006 |
B.A., English; B.A., Spanish, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Study abroad at Universidad Católica del Urugay. |
2013- |
Assistant Instructor, Dept. of Rhetoric and Writing, UT Austin;
Consultant, Undergraduate Writing Center, UT Austin (2013-2014) |
2013-14 |
Assistant Instructor, SPURS (Students Partnering for Undergraduate Rhetoric Success) Dual-Enrollment Program, Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, UT Austin; Pharr-San Juan-Alamo (TX) Independent School District |
2012-13 |
Assistant Instructor, Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese, UT Austin |
2009-11 |
Teacher’s Assistant, Dept. of English, UT Austin |
2006-9 |
Teacher, English Language Arts, La Joya High School, La Joya, TX |
2003-6 |
Consultant, University Writing Center, SIU Carbondale |
2014 |
Writer, First-Year Composition Curriculum, Dept. of Rhetoric and Writing, UT Austin |
2013 |
Director, Summer School Credit Recovery Program, Sam Houston Math, Science, and Technology Center, Teach For America Institute, Houston, TX |
2012 |
Director, Summer School Credit Recovery Program, James Madison High School, Teach For America Institute, Houston, TX |
2010-11 |
Writer, Secondary English Language Arts Curriculum (Grades 7-12), Houston Independent School District, Houston, TX |
2010-11 |
Literacy Specialist, Teach For America Institute, Houston, TX |
2010 |
Consultant and Curriculum Writer, Texans Can! Academy, Dallas, TX |
2015 |
Hairston Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Dept. of Rhetoric and Writing, UT Austin |
2012-3 |
Graduate Teaching Scholar, Center for Teaching and Learning, UT Austin |
2011 |
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Dept. of English, UT Austin |
2009 |
Teacher of the Year, La Joya Independent School District, La Joya, TX |
2009 |
Teacher of the Year, La Joya High School, La Joya, TX |
Book Reviews
Related Digital Publications
Panels Organized
2014 |
“On Pretzelcoatl: The Conquest of Mexico in the U.S. Popular Imagination.” Rethinking Comparison: Relationality, Intertextuality, Materiality: 11th Annual Graduate Conference in Comparative Literature, UT Austin, Sep. 26-28. |
Papers Presented (Selected)
2015 |
“Jicoténcal (1826) and Alternate Genealogies of the Historical Novel in Spanish-Speaking America.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Meeting, University of Washington, March 26-29. |
2014 |
“On Aztec Revelations or, Leaves from the Life of the Fate-Doomed (1849).” Rethinking Comparison: Relationality, Intertextuality, Materiality: 11th Annual Graduate Conference in Comparative Literature, UT Austin, Sep. 26-28. |
2014 |
“The Prince of (Ta)Cuba: Refashioning History in Avellaneda’s Guatimozin (1846).” 200th Anniversary of Avellaneda, Cuban Research Institute, Florida International University, April 4. |
2014 |
“Guatimozin: The Last of the Warrior-Librarians.” American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA) Annual Meeting, New York University, March 20-23. |
2014 |
“Quetzal’s Blank Fourth Wall: Archival Fashioning in Lew Wallace’s The Fair God (1873).” Seminar on “The Hemispheric South and the (Un)Common Ground of Comparability,” C19: Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists 3rd Biennial Conference, UNC Chapel Hill, March 13-16. |
2012 |
“Martí on Whitman: Revisiting Homophobia in the American Chronicles.” 20th Colloquium on Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian Literatures and Linguistics, UT Austin, March 2-3. |
2010 |
“Catholic Heroines: Jovita González and the Women of Caballero.” Southern Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA) 67th Convention, “New Frontiers,” Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 28-30. |
2015 |
Lesson Execution for New Teacher’s Assistants. Dept. of English, UT Austin, Aug. 21. |
2014 |
Introduction to Editing Audio Using Garageband and Audacity. Digital Writing and Research Lab, Dept. of Rhetoric and Writing, UT Austin, Oct. 17. |
2013 |
“Teaching across Lines of Difference: Responding to Diversity in University Classes.” Center for Teaching and Learning, UT Austin, April 25. |
2013 |
“Subalterns and Others: What Are the Limits of Postcolonial Studies?” Graduate Association of Comparative Literature Students, UT Austin, April 19. |
2013 |
Graduate Student Teaching Panel Discussion. Graduate Professional Development Week, Graduate Student Assembly, UT Austin, Jan. 15. |
2015 |
Professional Development Award, Graduate School, UT Austin |
2014 |
Professional Development Award, Graduate School, UT Austin |
2011-12 |
Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) Academic Year Fellowship (Portuguese), Teresa Lozano Long Institute for Latin American Studies, UT Austin |
2006 |
25 Most Distinguished Seniors Award, Alumni Association, SIU Carbondale |
2006 |
Carl Lutes Outstanding English Major Award, SIUC |
2006 |
Southworth Award for Foreign Language and Literatures, SIU Carbondale |
University of Texas at Austin
“The Rhetoric of Country Music,” Spring 2016, Fall 2015, Spring 2015, Fall 2014
“Rhetoric and Writing,” Summer Bridge 2015, Spring 2014, Fall 2013
“Introduction to Spanish,” Spring 2013, Fall 2012
“Masterworks of Literature” (as TA), Spring 2011, Fall 2010, Spring 2010, Fall 2009
Teach For America Houston Institute
Chavez, Davis, and Madison High Schools
“Diversity, Community, and Achievement,” Summer 2011
“Secondary Literacy,” Summer 2011, Summer 2010
La Joya High School, La Joya, TX
English Language Arts, 9th Grade, 2008-2009
English Language Arts, 12th Grade, 2006-2008
ESL/State Exam Preparation, 2007-2009
Competitive Debate, 2007-2009
Scarborough High School, Houston, TX
English Language Arts, 10th Grade (as Student Teacher), Summer 2006
2015 |
Leader, Zeugma Podcast Group, Digital Writing and Research Lab, UT Austin |
2014-15 |
Member, First-Year Forum (FYF) Text Selection Committee, Department of Rhetoric and Writing, UT Austin |
2014 |
Member, Committee organized to collect and curate student work for use in the Dept. of Rhetoric and Writing’s in-house textbook, Controversies. |
2012 |
Editorial Assistant, Domestic Servants in Literature and Testimony in Brazil, 1889-1999 by Sônia Roncador (Palgrave, 2014) |
2012 |
President, Graduate Association of Comparative Literature Students, UT Austin |
2012 |
Special Section Co-Editor (with Elizabeth DeMott), “Contested Cities,” Ethnic and Third World (E3W) Literatures Review of Books 12 (2012): 66-83 |
2012 |
Member, Livingston Graduate Award Selection Committee, UT Austin |
2011 |
Conference Organizer, 8th Annual Graduate Conference in Comparative Literature with keynote speaker Idelber Avelar, UT Austin, Sep. 30-Oct. 1. |
2010 |
Student Representative, Comparative Literature Course Committee, UT Austin |
2005 |
Editorial Assistant, Essays in Medieval Studies 22 (2005), Illinois Medieval Association, edited by Anita R. Riedinger |
2011-13 |
Mentor to Thammika Songkaeo through Graduate Association of Comparative Literature Students (GRACLS), UT Austin |
2012-13 |
Member, OUTGrads LGBTQ Association, UT Austin |
2010-12 |
Leader, LGBTQ Affinity Group, Teach For America Houston Institute |
2009-10 |
College Application Coach, Breakthrough Collaborative, Austin |
English (native) |
Spanish |
Reading: fluent |
Speaking: fluent |
Writing: advanced |
Portuguese |
Reading: advanced |
Speaking: good |
Writing: good |
Modern Language Association
American Comparative Literature Association
Society of Nineteenth Century Americanists