The right to your body in times of war

When man leaves the state of nature and joins the state of the Commonwealth he forms a contract with the magistrate to be governed by laws agreed upon in the name of life and liberty. When these societies are joined, the forfeiting of the state of nature one possesses leads to one consensual body, the society. And while not every particular action of the ruler needs total consent, for it is impossible, there must be a clear majority support of the actions of the magistrate.

Men join societies for greater protection of their property, the most important being man’s own body. The protection of property is the key reason to join a commonwealth, thus citizens of the commonwealth must act to protect their property if the government over steps with their power.

Recently, The Senate approved a bill that would require young women to enlist in the draft. The draft is the forced enlistment in the military during times of war. Not only is women being forced to enter the draft wrong, the institution of forced enlistment of any citizen of the commonwealth is an infringement on one’s life, liberty, and right to protect property.


The draft forces citizens of the United States to give up their property. When one enlists in the military during time of war, there is a chance he will lose his life. When that decision is no longer left for man to decide, the government has signed away his life for him. Your body is your property; on these grounds alone the government has broken the contract agreed upon when you left your state of nature.

Perhaps some are fine with being drafted. If that is the case, then the contract between man and the government stands unharmed because said contract is still consensual. This would be the case with WWII, when patriotism was rampant and man desired to protect the government as the government had protected him. This contract, however, has not always been agreed to. The Vietnam was also used conscription, yet the people were not supportive. As such, men used their constitutional rights to protest what they felt was an overstep in power. The US hastily pulled out of said war when the country made it clear the conscription was in no way consensual.

As citizens of the United States, you have the right to protection of your property. You have the right to liberty and to not be enslaved by the government and subjected to their arbitrary power.

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