Unalienable Rights Through DACA

How would you feel if one day your life was going great, you had a future and the next it was all unclear and taken away from you? Immigrants under the DACA order felt that way on September 5 because of Donald Trump.

DACA or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is an executive order that was put in place during Obama’s administration. Today, Donald Trump wants to rescind it. An order that permitted certain children to be allowed into the country, as long as they met the criteria. The program protects them from deportation, granting them a two-year reprieve that could be renewed.

Those children were allowed into the states without repercussions due to the fact that they were going to complete their education. Those “dreamers” now no longer have a choice to fulfill their dreams by going to school and being successful in life thanks to President Trump.

The executive order is considered a public issue because it infringes on the well-being of the people. Parents bring their children across the border to make a better life for them. They can go to school, get a good education, go to college and have a successful career–something very few have if they grow up south of the border. As a child under DACA, they have the chance to become a citizen of the United States as long as they complete their education.

The rescinding of this order will affect a group of about 800,000 high-achieving, hard-working, young members of our community. If they bought property or had some type of success during their time in the states, taking DACA away would be unconstitutional. You would be sending people who have lived most of their lives in the United States back to a place they never knew. You would be taking them away from the home they made in the country. The law to rescind DACA would be unconstitutional because we all have a right to property under the U.S. constitution.

Not only will property be taken away, but because Trump put the lives of these “dreamers” into the hands of Congress, the safety of these lives are being infringed upon. In a similar vein, the happiness of these immigrants is also being infringed on. Because their world is being shaken by the rescinding of DACA, they live in fear of being deported. Their property, their liberty and life are all being taken away from them and it is unconstitutional.



A Dream Deferred: Rescinding DACA Makes Us Less Secure



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