To say that women deserve to be paid less than men is foolish in more ways than one. For without equality, corruption is sure to breed among the workplace. If a man and a woman are both clearing my table after afternoon tea, then why must the man receive $10 and the woman $7.70? Perhaps I am overlooking the quality of the work. Did the man clean the table better than the woman? Was the man faster at cleaning the table than she? It seems necessary to say that nothing preponderates the immorality of the pay gap, whether it be quality or effectiveness.
To pay men more than women is to open the door to corruption. A woman remains stagnant in her position, repressed by the dominant relationship of men. This time, the dominance is fueled by the very democracy meant to rule. What does this inequality do to the mind of a woman? The answer is as clear as the difference between red and blue; it lessens her confidence and self-worth. Going back to the roots of our society, women were seen as lesser. For this to be supported by lesser pay, our society must still believe this. Feeling as if she is inferior, the woman goes home with less money in her pocket than the man next to her.
On the contrary, providing women with the same pay as men will contribute many benefits to society. Going back to the condition of her mind, a woman will feel not only equal but confident of her abilities and worthy of her pay. Abler to realize her virtue, the woman will be strong and assertive, making for a better mother. She will have the same experience as a man, including the feeling of bringing home a hearty paycheck. This shared experience and equality between the genders will allow both to better realize virtue, a trait that was previously clouded by the corruption of inequality. Without the anger of lesser pay, she might be more fit to control her emotions.
Overcoming many inequalities, women should need not worry about their husbands, companions, brothers, or fathers bringing home more money for the same occupation as her. This inequality will only hinder both the man and woman, denying them both of realizing their virtue. Not only should this change within our legal system, but in the way that we recognize these problems. Going forward, we should recognize these sorts of inequalities immediately, and work to diminish the chances of a similar situation occurring once more.