In a truly free society, man is free from the government if he wishes to be. Payments under the guise of taxation are voluntary. Man would only pay for what he desires, leaving him free to do work and reap the benefits of such. Any form of forced taxation is tyrannical and should be viewed as such by the populous. The idea of social welfare violates this idea of a man’s right to his life, liberty, and property. Money is taken out of the pockets of hardworking people and given directly to the poor through the government. This is in essence theft from the working man. Of course, if someone wanted to give money to the poor, he is more than welcome too. He has that right to do with his property as he pleases.
Social welfare is ever evolving. The idea of a Universal Basic Income has started to gain steam. In essence, the government would be providing everyone, not just the poor, with an economic stipend. This is still a violation of man’s right to property, but at a much larger scale. The cost for such a plan would devastate the economy. The government would have to reach even deeper into man’s pocket, taking more of his hard-earned property away from him. Now the person cannot turn around and spend this on goods. A policy like this is communism masquerading as altruism. If such a plan would be implemented, apathy would form among the worst of society. What drive would they have to work hard if they were to just feed from the teat of the government? More and more people would turn to this, hurting the economy as it loses more and more workers.
Those who would continue to work hard would be punished as well. Their work would go in vain, as the government would continue to take what isn’t rightfully theirs. The successful would, and rightfully so, find ways to hide their money from the government. Less revenue would be had for this plan, rendering it unsuccessful.
Instead of implementing a Universal Basic Income, which would require heavy regulation, society should look toward rolling back regulations, allowing companies and workers to make more money. The companies would expand, requiring more man power to run them. In turn, more money would be put into the pockets of the people, allowing man to live a life free of governmental control. The selfishness of the best of society would unintentionally elevate everyone. Once the lower classes realized that there was no “parent” there to guide them, they would step up themselves and become productive members of society. Capitalism eliminates the need for altruism. Man succeeds on his own merits.
Universal Basic Income
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