“It is forgotten that the right of free speech means the freedom to advocate one’s views and to bear the possible consequences, including disagreement with others, opposition, unpopularity and lack of support.” In light of the controversy surrounding the action of burning the American flag, I believe the legality of it is not to be subjected for discussion.
In “The Virtue of Selfishness” specifically “Mans Rights” I lay out what I believe to be individual rights that should not be tampered with or distorted by the government. The issue surrounding the action of burning the American Flag is that the flag represents patriotism. Because it is a patriotic symbol it can be seen as a sign of disrespect towards our soldiers in uniform who fight so hard for our country. So in summary, its an unpopular action, that can be offensive towards others.
Regardless of the meaning of the flag, the government has no authority to say whether or not the action of burning the flag should be illegal. I clearly state that the role of the government is to protect the individual rights of every person. By attempting to suppress views and actions you are in fact taking away individual rights.
The photo below shows the overstep of the government in their role. I stated that “To violate man’s rights means to compel him to act against his own judgment, or to expropriate his values. Basically, there is only one way to do it: by the use of physical force.” This photo proves that the government, in the form of president-elect Donald Trump, is prepared to do what I have just said, use force to achieve their goal.
So I guess someone needs to inform him that his powers are limited right? Oh wait, our country consistently faces issues with the government barging in on our individual rights. How you may ask? Same-sex marriage, congress trying to bring back religion (that not everyone practices, I might add) back into schools, and the ever so popular legalization of marijuana, which has actually been proven to improve certain illnesses.
So although its already been decided that burning the flag is legal, why do I bring it up? I bring it up because the fact that the action of burning the American flag is even a question shows the overreach the government already has. I stress individual rights because society can not take those away and the government sets laws and regulations so that people’s individual rights are protected. But clearly some have been misinformed on their role in society.
Concluding, although there is controversy around the burning of the American Flag, the over arching issue is that the legality of doing so is brought up. Individual rights cannot be taken away from someone regardless of how unpopular an opinion or action might be.