Ever since Supreme Court case in 2015 that legalized same sex couple to get married, there has been controversy over the issue. Recently a reality TV couple, Chip and Joanna Gaines, from TLC’s hit show Fixer Upper, has been put in the spotlight in a controversial BuzzFeed article for going to a church that is anti same sex marriage. Note, that the Gaines family has never spoken out against same sex marriage personally, they are known for showing love and kindness to everyone. I personally believe that people should be free to do all that he or she wishes unless ones actions harm others. In my “On Liberty” chapter of my book I talk about the importance of people, “being allowed to live different lives.” I also think that government should only encroach upon the liberty of mankind when it is for the protection of the society. I also state in my book that, “liberty of tastes and pursuits; of framing the plan of our life to suit our own character; of doing as we like, subject to such consequences as may follow; without impediment form our fellow-creatures, so long as what we do does not harm them.” All individuals, regardless of their orientation, have the liberty to plan their lives as they wish. Thus, the government has no justification to limit the liberty of homosexuals by prohibiting same-sex marriage. As long as the Gaines family is not causing harm to others, in this case same sex marriage couples; the scrutiny placed on them is unwarranted.
I think that just as same sex marriage couples should be allowed to live in their truth happily, so should the Gaines Family as long as their truth and beliefs do not harm others. In my book I also mention that the best way to live is by, “pursuing our own good in our own way, so long as we do not attempt to deprive others of theirs, or impede their efforts to obtain it.” Coming from the utilitarian standpoint allowing same sex marriages will make put those individuals in a place that increases their utility and capacity to be successful. That being said, the same would go for the Gaines family. Allowing them to go to a church of their choosing will increase the Gaines family’s happiness, therefor increasing their utility and capacity for success. As long as the Gaines family is not affecting anyone else negatively, they should be able to live their lives to the way of their choosing.
Chip Gaines Calls for ‘Respect’ After Anti-Gay Marriage Church Report