On the Border of Civilization

I have heard it said that a border wall wouldn’t serve the populus well in protecting them. I have heard it said that this wall is, infact, paranoid infatuation with protection. They argue, God has declared the earth, for all the peoples of the world, their mutual property for the collective’s survival and benefit.

This, while based in truth, is obscuring the greater issue. Without this barrier, where are the protections for my property from those who mean to cross borders illegally, and who might also then cross the borders of civilization and steal from me? Individual property must be protected. The default earth is one of freedom. Each man may lay claim to a section of the earth by sewing the fields or taming the forests (or paying rent) freely. However, as the americas have already been claimed, letting foreigners in unannounced, unrestricted, and undocumented risks the property of lawful, consenting citizens. People entering this state without the state’s knowledge cannot be shown to consent to the laws and practices of this state. How are we, as citizens, expected to allow those who may not act in accordance to civil society, as we do, into our borders? Better to circumvent this misfortune and construct a border wall. This would allow each petitioner of entry to lawfully gain access to our nation, mutually benefiting both parties. Those who seek entry gain the protections of our state, honestly, fully, and with the state’s consent in this matter. The state gains knowledge of those who compose its citizenry and, consequently, will gain the ability to police the foreigners should they disobey the order of law.

A response to this argument: In constructing a border wall, inherently the desire to exclude some persons from your society is present. However, by wishing to enter the state’s border, it is safe to assume they wish to be apart of (consent to being apart of) our society. Who are we to say this corner of God’s earth isn’t for those who we turn away?

A man owns his labor and the fruits thereof – the property he has built upon himself. A group of men each own their respective properties. But, who owns the town within which the men reside? The citizens of the town. In the same fashion that we each individually own our properties, we also collectively own the town, and, by extension, the governmental structure the town is founded upon. Men worked to create this great nation, investing their good, intellectual labor. We, the people, propped these individuals up and gave them the seats of power upon which we built this nation. This section of earth is ours, the citizens, by right of collective property. Through reason, we are allowed to choose the practices that, in total, will most benefit us and our property. A murderous citizen may still wish to consent to the state we live in so that he may gain the benefits of citizenry. But, us as a society have decided that he is no longer consenting – or able to consent for that matter. His rights have been removed. If someone similar wishes to enter our nation, we as a people can reject their claim to entry, protecting us, our labor, and our society.

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