On March 13th of this year, then-President Donald Trump declared the coronavirus (COVID19) a national emergency. Six days later, California became the first of many states and areas to issue a location-wide stay at home order. Since then, staying at home or wearing masks in public has been mainly advertised to lower the rates. However, after the relaxation of certain counties, the actions within the virus have turned into a division of political views. Views where many conservatives do not show any fear or sense of urgency towards the virus, while many liberals do.
For man, the basic needs of survival is reason. I look at reason as the faculty that identifies and integrates the material provided by man’s senses. It is a faculty man must exercise by choice. As I look at the decisions our citizens make throughout the pandemic, I see man exercising a few choices. The choice to stay in or when out in public, the choice to wear face coverings, or the choice not to. Choices to prevent the spread of the virus and the choice to increase it. However, man must live with the consequence of their choice. And in this case, one party will primarily suffer those consequences.
Man is clearly responsible for their own decisions. They must deal with the outcomes accordingly. It all depends on how valued the process of thinking is from their perspective. From my point of view, would it not be more logical to stay in, wear masks, and prevent the virus from spreading. People not following the COVID19 guidelines are not exercising reason in a proper manner. The goal is not only to participate in these actions to survive but with the additional goal of continuing life as we once knew it to be.
People who utilize their choice of following the guidelines are not bound to face any consequences due to their opposing counterparts. However, they do place themselves in the best position to thrive and not face consequences.
All in all, while I argue people should think rationally in this case of a pandemic, my ultimate argument is that man should have the freedom to make a choice. The government had taken away that freedom by mandating laws that were in benefit of our safety. Their removal of those laws give individuals an opportunity to utilize their knowledge and decide. While this action is risky, we must put faith in man that they will make the right choice for survival.