Author Archives: joshm

A Community of Distracted Driving

Communication between individuals will support the shared interest towards the ambition of a great community. Singular individuals are now experiencing the eclipse of their public due to a lack of interrelated concentration that will unify an otherwise barren and empty society. Take for instance, the defilement of public safety aroused by persons who engage in texting while driving. I fully approve of the bill anticipating approval in Washington D.C. to enact this stern reprimand of those who utilize a hand-held device when operating a motor car. Populaces that corrupt the law by texting and driving are soon to face a significantly more severe punishment if caught in the act.

Society has generally developed into a state of passive ignorance for the effects of their actions and the impact that is inherited upon other. While people are subject to social influences that determine they can think of, plan or choose, their tentative courses of actions invariably will unescapably bear an impression upon those around them. With this injurious social trend of texting and driving, some of these impressions are more inedible than others. Consequences such as financial devastation, caustic injury, and definite mortality are the most prospective of effects that can possibly transpire against innocents.


While a terrifying and potential reality, texting and driving is a simple matter but yet proves to be quite devastating. However, in order to progress towards the great community, we must take action by believing in our citizens. Citizens are intelligent or can learn to be intelligent; citizens can engage in public affairs and intelligently elect representatives. As they have made, the D.C. council will vote upon this bill that will ensure an incentive based off unembellished penance. While I fully in support of this bill, the encouragement of understanding the dangerous action shall be promoted to the most widespread degree. In relative communication of society towards a shared greater goal, we deem our elected rulers as responsible with the power of the positive conversion.

An inordinate fault upon the pursuit of a community that is safe from texting and driving is the community’s breakdown in association. As I expressed in “The Search for the Great Community” section of The Public and its Problems, calling a matter a public opinion that is not rooted within fact does not rightly make it so. An action and its justification lead astray a false pretense and influence of what is beneficial to society. Many individuals do not view texting and driving as a force to be reckoned when it comes to the welfare of their lives and the wellbeing of those around them.

Vertical interaction amongst all passes of society, from the abdicants of the law to the upholders of the law to the regulators of the law, can effectively sway public opinion towards a form of knowledge rather than a form of opinion. Public cynicism and apathy provide a challenging obstacle for progress, yet the aforementioned belief in the citizens and spread of public fact dismiss any notion or skeptic thought. Men feel they are caught in the sweep of forces too vast to understand or master. Yet political and social interests provide an escape of ignorance for the public. Admittingly, there is too much pageantry in the public, however communication about the dangers of texting and driving form organizations that renovate ideas and ideals.

An effective engine of improvement is a step towards the great community, but for this vision to ever be possible; an enlightenment of knowledge and democracy has to been enacted. This bill in Washington D.C. provides an alternative from the eclipse of the public. An approval, a public knowledge, and a belief in the citizens, elections, and association have to be generated. Texting and driving pose a appalling threat, yet the bill that spreads awareness and provides incentive spawns a community built fact rather than public opinion. A new age of human relationships has shaped into being a deterrent of individual existence and a step towards the great community.

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The Affect of Greed

The foundations of the public education structure are demarcated upon the ideal of cultivating young minds towards liberty, individuality, and intelligence. The socially accustomed epidemic of attacks upon school funding is invariably rooted within a legacy of greed, unjustifiably caused by a faltering political representation that relies on a tendency to improperly react to economic turmoil. This reactionary liability is not merely a failure to provide for the public education structure in an unsatisfactory manner, yet proves to be a great enemy to individual liberty in preservation of politicians own self-interests. An encroachment upon educational budgets, by what economist Harlan Green deems to be a rampant greed among politicians, threatens the conservation of securing and extending the liberties of individuals. Thus, a new educational and social reform must be conceived.

As proclaimed in my second section of Liberalism and Social Action, “The Crisis in Liberalism”, I identified the solution regarding an emancipation of individuals imposed upon them by the inherited type of social organization was consequently to counter with that of a new social organization. When past procedures struggle past the point of correctable means, a new manner of useful workability and practical ideals and policies are beseeched by the criteria of their merit. A newer truth of determining value in the public education structure and by extension liberalism must be satisfied in order to benefit all.


As projected in Green’s article, political wealth in times of recession prove to be a native impulse to encompass one’s own concern which in turn detriments the economy’s and school’s aptitude to recover. Green promotes a study-based claim that a priority reform of taxes with emphasis upon the public education structure will improve the deficit caused by past solecisms. He goes on to assert that the condition of fiscal probity has been dismissed as a camouflage for a massive transfer of wealth to the wealthiest. As I have stressed before, there is a demand for social organization that should include economic activities but yet should convert them into servants of the development of the higher capacities of individuals.

With panics such as the 2008 bubble collapse and other intrinsic economy crises, money is the first commodity to shrivel up. With these impasses, the allocation of funds for pertinent institutes, like the public education structure, are at risk due to the greed of elite public servants. The external effect of the greed allows a less educated public without adequate preparation for a society in which liberty, individuality, and intelligence can prosper.

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