Technology has been a true blessing as life has improved immensely with so many possibilities at the fingertips of consumers. Unfortunately, as the ease of life has increased, the safety of automobile drivers and passengers has decreased with the overuse of cellular phones by people at the wheel. While drivers believe using a phone as they drive is not necessarily an issue, they neglect to consider the other citizens on the road that they may be putting in danger. Even when not under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, a telephone-preoccupied driver places himself in danger and also infringes on the life of another.
When a man feels that his life, liberty, or property is threatened, he has the absolute right to declare a state of war between himself and his abuser. Even though a driver may have no wrong intention and does not purposefully mean to inflict harm on another, the simple act of him using a device that pulls his attention from the road indirectly infringes on another man’s rights. If a man chooses to place himself in danger with the distraction of a cellular phone, he must come to terms with himself that he is not only risking his own life, but the lives of other men and their wives and children. All living men are to be preserved as much as possible, as in the state of nature, and if one man feels threatened by another, the harmed, or the innocent, will be sanctioned.
The American government provides goods in the form of public roads and it is completely undeniable that we, as citizens under God, should treat roads and drivers with utmost respect and prevent danger. Because driving a car and using a cell phone, whether it be to send text messages or to speak on the phone, is so hazardous to multiple persons, it is without a doubt, an element of public discourse and demands involvement of state legislature. As cell phone use while driving occurs on government provided goods, public roads, the US government should be, and must be, involved in the prevention of the destruction of its citizens.
At this moment and time, sending text messages are punishable by law in 46 US states and in 37 states, all novice or teenage drivers under the age of 19 are banned from hand-held cell phone usage. It is understandable, of course, why it is that young drivers are unable to be entrusted with the task of driving while distracted. Young men, under the govern of their fathers with no land of their own, remain in the state of nature and are not experienced enough as their seniors who have been behind the wheel for years prior. Even as there are not many laws that completely ban the use of hand-held devices for adults as there are for young drivers, there are some select cities that have progressed in the prevention of harm.