Austin Craft Beer (from Google Images)
When I moved to Austin, I was saddened by the homeless population residing within the city. However, after a few months of struggling through my first year of college, I became immune to the heartbreaking narratives scrawled on cardboard in sharpie. The most common tidbits were, “Anything helps” / “God Bless” / “U.S. Veteran” and even the cliche, “Will work for food”. As a UT student, I thought I had seen every cardboard solicitation I ever needed to. But last Friday, at the stoplight of the southbound Riverside exit on 35, I saw a man, with a big smile on his face holding a sign that said: “Why lie / I need a beer”. I chuckled and thought to myself, “Hey man, me too.”

The entire population of Austin every Monday (gif from Google Images)