The documentary “Vaxxed”, directed by Andrew Wakefield, premiered in Manhattan on Friday. It attempts to discuss the link between vaccines and Autism using recorded phone calls of a former CDC scientist, who has repeatedly distanced himself from the film. Director Andrew Wakefield was a researcher in the UK, but was debarred after alleged misconduct both in data and in research methods. He ordered invasive medical procedures on autistic children. The film was removed from the Tribeca Film festival at the last minute following an outcry against it, and had a much smaller release. Some have praised the film for “going against the scientific community”. But make no mistake. Vaxxed is a fraudulent product. It ignores every ounce of scientific evidence, relying on Andrew Wakefield, the debunked doctor, to tell the story and provide pseudo-credibility. Furthermore, Vaxxed will only reinforce the fears of mothers with small children, and tell those with autistic children that it was the government’s fault their children are disabled. There is no link between vaccines and autism. There is however a link between a lack of vaccinations and outbreaks of diseases. Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fever, diseases we eradicated decades ago, are poised to come back, and are deadly to children. Misinformation should be condemned as such by the scientific community at large, with support from the government and community.