A flag sways with the wind and the crowd… “Live Music ‘Capitol’ of the World”? Close enough, stranger. I get that being at ACL is exciting and that you’ve probably been dizzy and allergy-ridden since you got here, but unless you know something I don’t, your flag is a lie; the Capitol is definitely not keen on live music.
I’d love to imagine that somewhere at the Capitol…
behind the elaborate marble walls confining all sorts of political shenanigans from the public eye/ear/nose,whatever you may,
between the elegant oak? mahogany? pine? bookcases housing chronicles of our vast Texan legacy,
beneath the enchanting garden grounds serving as walkways to think or to people-watch or to enjoy both nature and history,
…hides an endless supply of disco balls and strobe lights and glow sticks and piles of hallucinogenic drugs suited to supply a city-wide rave.
A sight to behold, that’d be. I think you meant “capital”!
