

  • “Nietzsche’s and Joyce’s Reorientations: Decadence, Textual Experiments, and Ethics”


  • What is Orientation? A Philosophical Investigation (Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2019, 315 pg.). Abridged and translated from Werner Stegmaier’s original German Philosophie der Orientierung (Berlin / New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008, 750 pg.)


  • “Perspektivischer Kosmopolitismus: Lessing und Nietzsche,” Lessing Yearbook XLV (2018), pp. 133-153.
  • “The ‘Breeding of Humanity’: Nietzsche and Shaw’s Man and Superman,SHAW: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies 39, 2 (December 2019), pp. 183-203.


  • “Lessing und Nietzsche. Aufklärer aus zwei Jahrhunderten” (University of Greifswald, 2012)


  • “Lessing und Nietzsche als ‘freie Geister’: Nietzsche Urteile über Lessing und die Verwandtschaft von Lessing und Nietzsche in philosophischer Fluktuanz” (University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, 2010)


  • Conference paper by Werner Stegmaier “Subjecti(vi)ty: Nietzsche, Before and After” from German into English (presented in Assos, Turkey, July 2013)
  • Conference paper by Werner Stegmaier “The Moral Challenges of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Nihilism” from German into English (presented at the Salt Lake Community College, Salt Lake City, October 2014)
  • Research paper by Werner Stegmaier “Orientation within Nihilism” (presented in Nijmegen, Netherlands, December 2015), from German into English, to be published in the conference proceedings in 2018
  • Research paper by Werner Stegmaier “Nietzsche’s Orientation toward the Future” from German into English, published in The Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47/3 (Autumn 2016), pp. 384-401
  • Research paper by Werner Stegmaier “‘Socrates fascinated’ – and so did Nietzsche: Philosophy in the Leeway of Irritation and Fascination” (presented in Naumburg, December 2016), from German into English, to be published in conference proceedings “Nietzsche and the Greeks” in 2018


  • “Lessing und Nietzsche: Das Verhältnis zum Anderen in globaler ethischer Verantwortung” (“Lessing and Nietzsche: The Relation to the Other in Global Ethical Responsibility”); opening presentation of the conference “Denken in der Polis” (Weimar, 17 June 2016)


  • “Clothing and Outer Aesthetics in Wolfram of Eschenbach’s Parzival” at the conference “Inside/Out. Dress and Identity in German Literature, Performance, and Art” (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 05 February 2010)
  • “Günter Grass’ Im Krebsgang as a Text of Warning in Light of Postmodern Plurality” at the Alabama Modern Language Conference (University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 18 November 2010)
  • “Nietzsche’s Judgments of Lessing and the Kindredship of Lessing and Nietzsche in Philosophical Fluktuanz” at the Kentucky Foreign Language Conference (University of Kentucky, Lexington, 15 April 2011)
  • “Halt und Irritation durch Kunst bei Nietzsche und Luhmann“ (“Hold and Irritation through Art: Nietzsche and Luhmann”) at “Trebuth-Werkstatt: Nietzsche meets Luhmann. Orientierung im Nihilismus (Orientation within Nihilism)” (Nietzsche-Dokumentationszentrum, Naumburg, 31 May 2014)
  • “Moral Communication in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the New York Times” at the Graduate Conference in Comparative Literature: Rethinking Comparison: Relationality, Intertextuality, Materiality (UT Austin, 28 September 2014)
  • “Moral Communication in Different Cultures. Comparing Front Pages of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the New York Times” at the ACLA (American Comparative Literature Association) Conference 2015 (University of Washington, Seattle, 28 March 2015)
  • “Expanding the ‘World’ through Literary-Philosophical Textualities: Nietzsche and Joyce” at the Institute for World Literature summer school colloquium (University of Copenhagen, 25 July 2017)
  • “Confessional Writings between Philosophy and Literature: Nietzsche and Joyce” in the seminar “Fictional Testimonies, Comparative Confessions, and Literary Ethics (ICLA Research Committee on Religion, Ethics, and Literature) at the ACLA Conference 2018 (UCLA, 29 March – 01 April 2018)