Mill vs. Whitefish

There has been a submission under the name Ayn Rand that I would like to refute. In her argument Rand states that it is in the right for Whitefish energy to raise the prices of their services to Puerto Rico and its relief efforts. I, John Mill, claim that the actions taken by Whitefish were unethical and are both a public issue and stand against the greatest happiness principle of utilitarianism.

To set the scene, a devastating hurricane hit the shores of Puerto Rico, leaving the entire country without electricity and without the proper infrastructure to get their power up and running again. I would agree with Rand’s assessment of the situation as an emergency, something she defines as “an unchosen, unexpected event, limited in time that creates conditions under which human survival is impossible. In an emergency situation, men’s primary goal is to combat the disaster, escape the danger, and restore normal conditions.” Because this is an emergency it is the exact time that people need to unite together and promote utility, not the opposite. It was during this emergency Whitefish agreed to help Puerto Rico with their electricity issues, they even boasted about the speed and efficiency of their service, particularly in rough conditions. The only problem was that Whitefish price gauged Puerto Rico, charging them three times the amount they would normally charge. They did this because they saw Puerto Rico as vulnerable and in severe need of their services. Ayn Rand thinks that this sort of behavior is acceptable from a company, and I disagree.

Under my belief of utilitarianism, collective happiness should be held as the most important factor when making a decision, not personal gain or selfishness. I understand that this may require some self-sacrifice monetarily, but I believe that the “standard is not the agent’s own greatest happiness, but the greatest amount of happiness altogether…Utilitarianism, therefore, could only attain its end by the general cultivation of nobleness of character.” In order to achieve the goals that we wish to achieve as a society we must occasionally put others first, and in doing so we can become the best nation and society possible. I believe that the goal of happiness should be the primary goal for any society “Happiness is the sole end of human action, and the promotion of it the test by which to judge of all human conduct.” In order to achieve this happiness, we must put each other and our society first. This is something that Whitefish refuses to do as they jack up the prices of their services for Puerto Rico, knowing that the country has no choice but to pay the premium, surely this is wrong.

Rand would argue that it is wrong to force companies to lower their prices, or prevent them from raising prices when they know they can. However, this is not an issue of right and wrong “One of the strongest obstacles to the reception of the doctrine that Utility or Happiness is the criterion of right and wrong, has been drawn from the idea of Justice.” There is right or wrong. This issue, as are all issues, is simply a matter of deciding which side of the equation promotes the greatest happiness. Puerto Rico is a devastated country that has just dealt with a terrible natural disaster and is in need to help from outside of their country, surely coming to their aide would promote the greatest happiness. Once we have determined aiding Puerto Rico promotes the greatest happiness, we have no choice but to side with them on this issue and claim that Whitefish should offer their services under the standard rate.

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