Utilitarian View on Abortion


A major issue plaguing the world of politics today is that of abortion. Just so everyone is familiar with the exact meaning of the word, abortion can be defined as “the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus.” (Merriam-Webster) Abortion is allowed in all states, but at what point do we draw the line?  Is there a line to be drawn?  Should there be a law restricting abortion to six weeks after pregnancy?  In order to answer this, you must look at the consequences and see what policies would lead to the greatest happiness.

Examine the facts.  I believe that abortion, even after six weeks, should be allowed because it can ultimately benefit society.  Look at the argument that out world is overpopulated. If people around the world are starving as it is, it is not in our best interest to bring more lives into the world and prolong the issue.  Think of a child that is unable to be cared for properly by their guardian and becomes a ward of the state and therefor burdens society.  Children raised in broken homes are more likely to turn to a life of crime and drug addiction which costs the states money, and costing states money through that child staying in prison or a rehabilitation center is not in the state’s best interest.  Think of the mother. Telling half of the population what they can and cannot do with their bodies does not seem to allow for the greatest capacity of happiness.  If a mother is simply not ready to have a child, she shouldn’t be forced to do so not matter how far along she is.  If the mother’s life and the lives of other people are negatively affected by this child being born, what right do they have to be miserable?  If a mother was rapped and a child is conceived as a result, it could be in the mother’s best interest and award the most happiness to erase the painful memorythrough abortion.


Half of the pregnancies every year in the U.S. are unplanned. With a law in places restricting abortions to only six weeks after pregnancy, the amount of unsafe abortions occurring will undoubtedly skyrocket. With this law the lives of mothers are now in jeopardy as we are telling the million + women who get abortions every year that they either must keep the child to term or have a back room abortion.  This will lead to elevated levels of stress and anxiety and depression that will be detrimental to their health and well-being. Not having these children gives these women a chance to live their own lives and cultivate their own happiness.  They can integrate back into society without the undue burden of a child and live the best version of their lives.

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