Author Archives: cirvin

Utilitarians & Professional Athletes Kneeling During the American National Anthem

Is it wrong that professional athletes have recently been taking a knee during the American National Anthem in effort to raise awareness for the Black Lives Matter movement and stand up against police brutality? In short, I believe it is more than acceptable. Opinions are opinions, there are always two sides of something can be viewed. If the majority of the society is in an understanding of one opinion, and only a few in the other opinion, it does not make it just to completely negate the minorities voice.  We must accept the nonconforming voices in order to move forward as a greater society.

To be clear, it does not mean that the non-conformists ideas are more correct or less correct, but it does mean they should be heard.   In my liberty work, I wrote, “If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind.” It is no more right to silence the minority than it is to silence the majority.

An athlete taking a stand for what they believe in is becoming more of a regularity. Colin Kaepernick’s display during a professional football game may have been one of the original non-conforming acts that started it all.   “In this age, the mere example of non-conformity, the mere refusal to bend the knee to custom, is itself a service. Precisely because the tyranny of opinion is such as to make eccentricity a reproach, it is desirable, in order to break through that tyranny, that people should be eccentric. Eccentricity has always abounded when and where strength of character has abounded; and the amount of eccentricity in a society has generally been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigor, and moral courage which it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric, marks the chief danger of the time.”   Kaepernick displayed courage inorder to stand up for the Black Lives Matter movement in such a non-conforming way. With his actions he brought forth incredible dialogue and awareness to both himself, and the Black Lives Matter movement. It takes an eccentric person to do such an eccentric thing. It is good that people are allowed to chose to not stand during the national anthem because it allows for more opinions to be voiced. Allowing more opinions to be voiced we will be able to have access to more of truth, and having a more truthful society, we will have a greater society.  Even though Colin Kaepernick’s actions may not be the desired actions of the majority, individuals can decide to punish them inside of their own opinions, not by the Law, or in this case, the NFL. With personal expression and freedom comes happiness, the more individual happiness will lead to more overall society-wide happiness.

In order for our society to move forward intellectually and improve overall we need to allow non-conformists to speak and show their opinions and what they believe to be true.  If we refuse to allow nonconformists like Kaepernick to voice and act upon their voice and opinions we cannot expect to grow as a society, therefore improve our society greater happiness.

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Utilitarian View on Government Personal Technology Access

Within the past some years, the security within the United States has been violated multiple times. It is understood that a nation with the most utility is a nation that safety is a fundamental standard. Without a doubt, when safety is an issue, utilitarianism will find a way to protect the greater good, even when the decision is abstract and difficult. Was Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, justified in refusing to engineer a software to help create a “backdoor” to unlock the terrorist’s iPhone, in short, yes, Cook’s actions were justified. Cook’s decision to refuse the FBI to mandate them to create a “Backdoor” entrance to go around the security measures of personal property was just because it was necessary in order to protect the greater good of society.

Before we go into a further analysis, I will note how I feel about happiness. Happiness is in two forms, individual happiness and the greater happiness. The greater happiness is the overall happiness a society has. Greater happiness is clearly more substantial than individual happiness as it has a much broader horizon. Simplified, as a society we should attempt to make society as a whole as happy as possible and in doing so we may focus on individual happiness and the happiness of those around us. I will make not back to my thoughts of happiness as I explain the following and how it can be related. Happiness and security I find very synergistic.

One of the more recent attacks on American Soil was the San Bernardino shooting this past December of 2015. The attackers terrorized their workplace and according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) an iPhone was possibly used in effort to organize and plan the attack. The FBI looked towards Apple, the engineers of the iPhone, for help to unlock the software in order to expedite the investigation. Tim Cook, Apples CEO and chairman, claimed to have helped the federal investigation to his full capabilities and that there was no possible way he could unlock the phone without putting the greater nation into further danger. Cook claimed that if he were to create the software necessary to unlock the passcode device, the software in the wrong hands could be a danger to society. It would have the capabilities of figuring out the passwords for essentially everything (banks, emails, phones, homes, etc.).

It is understandable as to why the FBI would request for Apple to create the software, in order to figure out the motivations of the terrorists and to prevent future attacks. However, if the creation of the software would put more of the population in danger than help, it is clear to see that the creation of the software would put the greater nation and well being of the people at risk. A quote pulled from my work On Liberty can be drawn, “Civil, or Social Liberty: the nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual.”  Clearly, in this instance, the FBI’s desire to unlock the iPhone would, without doubt, help out the case in order to uncover terrorist motivation. For the individual FBI need, the password “backdoor” would help, but in order to maximize the safety of the entire society, the software cannot be created. In short, the creation of the “backdoor” software would cause an enormous security threat for the entire society. Therefore, it will be for the greater good to not create the software. According to utilitarianism, it is unjust for the FBI to force Tim Cook and Apple to create a program to break into locked iPhones, computers, and everything else with a passcode. Though the unlocking of the terrorists phone would aid investigation, the great societies personal tech security is of greater importance.

I want to be clear that it is without doubt that killing is bad, if not one of the worst things to exist. Even though the FBI claims that the invention to create the “backdoor” around security measures could save lives and prevent future terrorist attacks it is not a certainty. What is a certainty is that everyone that has a passcode/secured device with a password would be in danger with the creation of a device that could go around there personal security measures. As I analyze the FBI’s request for Apple and Cook to create a “backdoor” route to gain access into locked personal property I fear that it dangers the greater society that it would help in the long run.

-J.S. Mill

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