It was a unique experience for a typical transfer student who has never taken calculus before to sit in a M408K Calculus class. In every class, students solely work on problems, and the instructor does not lecture. I find it as a hassle to consistently work on homework/ pre-class assignments every other day. Surrounded by many students and intimidated by the teacher’s perplexing style of solving the problems, I begin to wonder how much I would learn in this class. As the instructor, Mr. Hamrick, speedily writes on the board, I try my utmost best to write everything down. Constantly, I think about whether destiny will support me as I try to give my all to this course. Will life be for me, or against me?
What the instructor taught was gibberish. His math problems written were indecipherable. I was put in a perpetual state of confusion. I knew I had to take action to make the most of my learning, right now, right here, if I wanted to apply to business school next year. Work hard. Learn the material. Get assistance. This year is my only shot to major in business, and the grade in calculus is also dependent upon it. There are two paths I can be headed toward. If I get to complete a business major, then I will get exposed to different business fields and careers within the Mccombs School of Business itself. If I do not get to complete a business major, then my true desire, time, and hard work to come to UT will not be entirely fulfilled. I will be stuck with only one major, Rhetoric and Writing. I constantly hope that destiny is there for me and that I ace calculus. Calculus at UT is completely different. It is the most rigorous course here. It is a course where one basically teaches his/herself how to do problems by reading the provided mathematical information online. What the instructor does is only go over problems covered on the online assignments. Calculus is a game of struggle that I have only some control over. However, destiny has the most control. Surely destiny does.