Will Work For Beer


Austin Craft Beer (from Google Images)

Austin Craft Beer (from Google Images)

When I moved to Austin, I was saddened by the homeless population residing within the city. However, after a few months of struggling through my first year of college, I became immune to the heartbreaking narratives scrawled on cardboard in sharpie. The most common tidbits were, “Anything helps” / “God Bless” / “U.S. Veteran” and even the cliche, “Will work for food”. As a UT student, I thought I had seen every cardboard solicitation I ever needed to. But last Friday, at the stoplight of the southbound Riverside exit on 35, I saw a man, with a big smile on his face holding a sign that said: “Why lie / I need a beer”. I chuckled and thought to myself, “Hey man, me too.”

The entire population of Austin every Monday

The entire population of Austin every Monday (gif from Google Images)


Science and Hearsay, A Response to “Vaxxed”, Directed by Andrew Wakefield


The documentary “Vaxxed”, directed by Andrew Wakefield, premiered in Manhattan on Friday. It attempts to discuss the link between vaccines and Autism using recorded phone calls of a former CDC scientist, who has repeatedly distanced himself from the film. Director Andrew Wakefield was a researcher in the UK, but was debarred after alleged misconduct both in data and in research methods. He ordered invasive medical procedures on autistic children. The film was removed from the Tribeca Film festival at the last minute following an outcry against it, and had a much smaller release. Some have praised the film for “going against the scientific community”. But make no mistake. Vaxxed is a fraudulent product. It ignores every ounce of scientific evidence, relying on Andrew Wakefield, the debunked doctor, to tell the story and provide pseudo-credibility. Furthermore, Vaxxed will only reinforce the fears of mothers with small children, and tell those with autistic children that it was the government’s fault their children are disabled. There is no link between vaccines and autism. There is however a link between a lack of vaccinations and outbreaks of diseases. Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fever, diseases we eradicated decades ago, are poised to come back, and are deadly to children. Misinformation should be condemned as such by the scientific community at large, with support from the government and community.

Are Out-of-State Students Taking Your Spot?


Elizabeth D. Herman hosts an editorial debate topic each week, with contributors invited to weigh in. On April 11, 2016 she suggested that State universities were neglecting the local population by accepting more out-of-state as they would pay out-of-state tuition. Herman, and many other contributors neglect to point out the enormous percentage of Californians who are enrolled at UC Berkeley, the school she cites repeatedly. According to the school itself, 80% of the students at Berkeley have in-state residency, with 10% from other parts of the US and 10% world students. The numbers don’t add up. The admission rates for out-of-state students is less than half the in-state admission rate at UC Berkeley, UCLA, and UT Austin. It is harder and harder for out-of-state students like myself to get in to these schools. Regardless, every admission season there will be students who will complain that the cards are stacked against them. These students’ problem is not a small group like out-of-state students filling a school; it is a large group, their peers, who apply to 13 schools, and hurt everyone’s chances.

Trouble with Physics

I made the mistake of taking physics last year. Every day I would come in, look at the hieroglyphics on the board, and leave very discouraged. In class with me was a bubbly blonde girl who wore pink every day that she showed up, which was not often. Considering the trouble I was having, I could only imagine how badly she was doing. One day, we ended up in a study group together and she breezed through every question that was thrown at her like it was high school algebra. When I expressed my disbelief, she could only say, “how are you having trouble? This is the easy stuff.” I’ve been trying to incorporate more pink into my wardrobe ever since.legallyblonde

The Tower’s Glow

I was leaving the PCL (The Perry-Castañeda Library located on campus) roughly around 3:30 one morning. Having consumed copious amounts of caffeine, I was feeling defeated by the exam that was approaching in only a few hours. As I walked slowly back to my house attempting to replay the information I had just reviewed in my head over and over again, I looked up to see an inspiring sight—the Tower, the center point of The University of Texas at Austin, glowing in an orange light which serves as a symbol of accomplishment (an athletic victory, a graduation ceremony, or things alike). In that moment, I realized the point of slaving away in the library until 3:30 in the morning; I AM a part of the Tower glowing orange with victory.

The Tower lit orange with a number 1 to commemorate the 2012 golf national championship at the University of Texas in Austin, Texas.

photo credit: http://www.universityoftexasimages.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/2012060901-Orange-Tower-with-1-The-University-of-Texas-Austin-Texas.jpg

Austin’s “Winter” Months

When February rolls around in Austin, it’s safe to say the weather is a bit of a toss up. Walking to class one morning, you could need long pants, a long sleeved shirt, a jacket, and a scarf, and still not be warm enough, and by some work of nature, you could be walking to class in shorts and a t-shirt the next and find yourself profusely sweating. Consider this your warning from a native Texan. If you come to Austin in the “winter months,” I wouldn’t suggest boxing up your summer clothes.

Music in the Cold


Slow Magic was the musical artist we planned to see at a bar near 6th Street a few weeks ago. We bought our tickets and took a bus to downtown. Unfortunately, when we arrived it seemed the small venue was at capacity, which meant we had to wait in line for people to leave. As we trudged to the back of the line a homeless man sat right next to our spot in the line. It was cold and dark, but the man seemed like he was alright. Eventually we struck up a conversation, and the topic turned to music as one could hear traces of what was played inside. He said, “Music touches the soul,” a phrase I didn’t understand, but politely nodded and smiled. As we slowly shuffled forward in line, the man seemed to recede into the darkness. Finally at the front, the bouncer opened the door and the chill vibes of Slow Magic echoed out into the street. As we walked towards the open door, I swear I could feel the music of Austin touch my soul.

Grieving for a Home Away From Home



When I left behind Austin to go visit my hometown, Dallas, over spring break, I never realized just how much I was going to leave behind, especially the ice-cream. Amy’s Ice-Cream is a staple ice-cream shop in Austin, and I was used to grabbing myself a bowl of the sweets right before I went to my classes everyday. However, when I went to go visit the local Braum’s near my house, I asked the cashier if they had any rainbow ice-cream, a vanilla ice-cream infused with sprinkles mix which was a common favorite at Amy’s. The cashier said he sure did, but when he came back out with the ice-cream, it was just a small snow cone with rainbow food-coloring around it. I never held a feeling of regret as much as I did that day.

Everyday Politics



One day while I was waiting for the campus bus on Dean Keaton, a man approached me with a fierce glare in his eyes. I don’t like to make assumptions most of the time, but with his darkened and blotchy skin and raggy clothes, I automatically assumed that he was going to ask me for money. I reached into my back pocket to grab my wallet once he got close, but to my surprise, all he asked me was, “What do you think about the presidential candidate that’s named after a Disney character?” I was shocked, but then again, Austin is never short of heated political debate.

An Average Day on The Drag



I was walking down The Drag one afternoon when a man with pitch-black sunglasses and a saxophone walked up to me and asked me for a suggestion for a song. Confused but curious, I asked the man to play “The Eyes of Texas”, to which the man smiled brightly and started playing the song, dancing along with the beat. A crowd started to form around me, and I soon found myself clapping and cheering, with the crowd following my actions and clapping as well.  The saxophone man finished his song with what seemed like his signature pose of jumping in the air and falling back down to the ground to do the splits, and then told the crowd that everyone should come watch his performance at an upcoming concert. Only on the streets of Austin would a famous musician come perform out of the blue in the middle of a busy sidewalk.