To Each His Own

Hey, my name is Evelyn Alvarez and honestly, I don’t have a very passionate opinion on marijuana. I have two brothers and none of us smoke it. Some of my friends do it occasionally, but it’s nothing excessive. I see marijuana as something people do, because they want to,  and what do I care if they do or don’t smoke. I don’t run their lives.


This is how I see it, from the day we are born we are taught “good and bad” morals. If at the age of fifteen a person decides to smoke marijuana then they should already know what they’re getting into. At that age they should already have their own mindset, so smoking is on them. Once they make up their mind there’s no way to change it.

This debate has been going on since the beginning of time (I’m exaggerating, but it feels like it has). In all seriousness, I cannot see the big deal over this basic plant. When I was a kid I was brainwashed, by my mother and school, into thinking weed was the worst thing in the world and, if I ever did it, I would die.  Now, after I’ve looked at the facts and the experiences from my friends, I don’t understand what makes this debate so heated. Everyone has their own life and way of thinking and there is no way to change that. We are all born with different perspectives on what is right and what is wrong. If smoking seems good for you then do it, if not, then don’t.

I don’t think this debate will ever be settled, or at least, anytime soon. Marijuana will always be an irritating topic, because people still smoke it, even though it’s illegal. People do what they want and no law will stop them from doing it. They have their life and we all chose how we want to live our own lives. So, I’m ending this with a wise quote from the very smart Riff Raff “To each his own”.


Filed under Blog Post 1

3 Responses to To Each His Own

  1. Itza

    This is definitely true. Everyone born into this world has human rights. Either you smoke marijuana or you don’t. It’s your choice and your right to decide if smoking is for you. The picture of Kermit the frog proves a point in which really you don’t have a saying on other people’s life.

  2. Kathy Vo

    Your blog is very fair because it state how the choice of smoking is up to you and only you. The choice that you make is no one business, but your own. You are the only one who will deal with the consequences and maybe your parents, but that is not the point. Even though this is a debate there will be no answer that will satisfy everyone because every person view he topic differently.

  3. Jasmine Seals

    You make a very valet point by stating that everyone has their own life and it is their choice to choose to smoke marijuana or not. You make another good point by stating that people will still use it whether it is legalized or not. Although this sad, it is very true. I also at one point thought marijuana was just bad because that is what I was taught. In fact, there are some positive things marijuana can do like helping people who are ill.

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