The two communities that have shaped who I am are being Hispanic and having divorced parents. Coming from a Hispanic family means it’s all about what is best for the family. In my generation we are taught to strive for more rather than follow the steps of our past generations. For example, the first to go to college and provide a better life to our future families. Ever since I was small my parents made sure my siblings and I got good grades in school. They would constantly remind us how important education was and how they just didn’t want us to go through the same deprivations as they did. When my parents divorced I realized that how I let the situation affect my life was up to me and no one else. I decided to let it make me stronger than what my Hispanic family had already made me.
Of course there are many stereotypes for being Hispanic. I have been stereotyped because of how Hispanics are portrayed to be as people who are unsophisticated. I remember meeting one of my mom’s friend who was white and my mom started telling her about me attending UT. She seemed surprised by that and i could see it in her eyes. How did she get into such a great school? How is she going to afford it? Although I felt judged I let it go and it just encouraged me to prove how it is possible for a Hispanic to go and graduate college.
Even though I have never really been stereotyped for having divorce parents there is some stereotypes out there. One of them would be how people assume any child who goes through their parent’s divorce take the wrong path. They believe that the child becomes to depressed and so then chooses the easy way out of just not caring about anything anymore. That is getting addicted to drugs, going out to party, and getting in trouble with the law. In reality not all of us go through that because we choose not to. Yes, I was heartbroken but I knew better than to let it affect me in a negative way. I pulled through and saw all the positive help it would bring to me. How overcoming my parents divorce would make any other obstacle along the way seem like a small rock I could just simply kick to the side. Those with divorced parents know pain and most of us wouldn’t want others to feel like they are alone. I would want to help others cope with their burdens whatever they may be and make them feel aided.
The two possible organizations i would like to participate in are La Nueva Generacion Estudiantil de Tejas and Occupational Therapy Society at the University of Texas. La Nueva Generacion Estudicatil de Tejas as they have in their description is an organization that encompasses the new generations of student while honoring their distinct heritage. The second organization gives students the opportunity to explore the occupational therapy profession.
I can totally agree with this! I also am Hispanic and I have divorced parents. Many people have certain opinions about that just are not true! Everyday we prove that we are not that stereotype, and I think being at UT really helps!