Oh, Inae. “Amy Schumer Announces Plan To Tackle Gun Control” www.motherjones.com, Mother Jones, 03 Aug. 2015. Web. 03 Aug. 2015
The controversy amongst what to do about gun control has been argued for many years now. I would like to focus on the video provided by the article where Amy Schumer discusses gun control. She talks about several shooting incidents and how there should be a new initiative to regulating gun control.
Amy Schumer seems to be a credible source because she is accompanied by her cousin, Chuck Schumer, Senator of New York. Assuming she is familiar with politics and legislative laws. Schumer is a respected stand-up comedian, writer, actress, and producer. She mentions some recent incidents involving gun shootings, especially the one that occurred in Louisiana at a movie theater. Schumer shares that she took it personally due to the fact that it happened while her film was being shown. She also informs her audience about the two people who were murdered. This making her credible by showing that she did her background research and implying how they were just innocent lives taken away.
In the video, Schumer argues how there should be better gun control laws being passed. She starts off by saying, “Enough is enough” declaring that the shootings need to be stopped. She tells reporters, ” Unless something is done and done soon, dangerous people will continue to get their hands on guns,” addressing specifically to criminals and the mentally ill. She offers two solutions to limiting the access of guns to these people. First she states, “we can toughen background checks and stop the sell of firearms to folks who have a violent history or history of mental illness.” Another strategy she mentions is to, “invest more in treating mental illness instead of slashing funding.” Schumer affirms these solutions as “common-sense solutions” to reducing the amount of shootings and who possesses these guns.
I totally agree with gun control, because not everybody is capable of being responsible for a firearm. I know there are laws already in place however, sometimes in some cases there should be more strict. That would be one of the only ways to prevent tragedies like that shooting to stop.
I think using this as a source is really interesting because of Amy Schumer’s involvement with the issue. I remember reading about some tweets that she posted recently in which she responded to someone who asked her what her opinions on the shooting happening during her movie and gun control. I think Amy Schumer said something like “I’m on it” and then a few days later she came out with this political plan for gun control with her cousin. I thought her proposing something like this was very out of character for her since she is a comedian but she was sort of personally affected by the issue so her view on it is pretty interesting.
Although Amy Schumer is widely known for her comedy, I found her argument very interesting. She points out two very good solutions to limit gun access to individuals who are incompetent of possessing one. As I mentioned, I was shocked to hear her opinion on gun control. But, being affected by such an incident explained in Louisiana during a showing of her movie, I completely understand her passion to stop such violence from occurring again.
These solutions make sense but they aren’t going to fix everything. There is an underground market for weapons. While having stricter gun control laws will to a degree prevent mass shootings and the like; there needs to be a way to thwart the underground market. Part of the solution could be that people could take more initiative in stopping people in their communities that have obtained weapons illegally or are providing those weapons to anyone. The fight doesn’t end at stricter gun control
I think this is one of those issues that i don’t necessarily agree with. Yes, i do understand why people say its a big issue but i don’t think what people are suggesting is the answer. We shouldn’t have more regulation on guns because its gonna change anything. There still gonna be criminals out there that are gonna buy guns somewhere, there are not necessarily all bought at a pawn shop. Also even if there would be a gun regulation, then criminals will find something else to use as a weapon. Not all crimes are performed with guns.
I also found Schumer’s argument to be very interesting. I personally do not think gun regulations will affect crime rates in our country. Whether guns are allowed or not, criminals are not necessarily known for following the rules and regulations that are set by the government. I agree with Henry in that they will always find something else to use as a weapon.