Author Archives: Ashley

About Ashley

Hi, my name is Ashley! I am majoring in International Business. Feel free to contact me through my email address: ashley.bedford and I hope you all have a great day!

Oregon Starts, The Other 49 Will Follow

Rivero, Daniel. “Pot Legalization in Oregon May Come with a Big Perk.” Fusion Media Network, 14 July 2015. Web. 15 July 2015.

Daniel Rivero produces and reports written articles online over topics on general legal and justice related issues in America, while also the author of “Pot Legalization in Oregon May Come with a Big Perk” article. Mainly, the article refers to a new bill which will change marijuana regulations by erasing any marijuana-related criminal charges of citizens living in the state of Oregon and give America a chance to see the effects of the people within this state to determine if the implementation of this measure should occur beyond Oregon.

freedom memeThe state of Oregon wishes to enact a bill that, eventually, will eliminate the past marijuana-related charges. This, in turn argued by Rivero, would free up the citizens of Oregon, mainly African American males, whose record remains tainted as a result of a marijuana-related charges, to pursue jobs that they could not pursue otherwise, stated by Rivero. As stated by Rep. Lew Frederick, a Democrat who initially created this bill idea, ”When you have a number of people, especially young black men, who are not eligible to get jobs – young black men, young black women – that affects everyone. If we can address that then we can begin to address a lot of other social issues,” Rivero addresses the suppression of African Americans in Oregon, specifically males, because of marijuana-related charges, since they get caught carrying this drug the most (pg. 11). The author admits that this one issue takes up too much time today with “social issues”, thus, we must focus on solving this one out as soon as possible to utilize our effectiveness as a society. A woman who actively researches at the Criminal Justice Policy Foundation, Alison Marqusee, speaks of various ways that the “petty” charges affect the African American community, spoken by Marqusee,  “[The bill is] important because having a criminal record is extremely harmful to someone’s ability to find employment, to their ability to access public benefits, and sometimes for their ability to find affordable housing,” many in this community agree, as well as the author, that these charges most negatively affect people’s lifestyles in Oregon (pg. 7). If the bill were to pass, Oregon officials would liberate the lives of many people affected by marijuana charges in the past.

wizweedmemeAlong with the liberation of citizens’ lifestyles, Oregon jails will no longer contain people who dealt with marijuana, but people who committed non-”petty” crimes, such as theft. Rivero argues, “Several hundreds were sitting in state jails for doing something that was now considered legal,” again reinforcing this idea of liberating the citizens of this state. Since “recreational marijuana became legal on the first of this month”, changes seem to speed up rapidly in this state in comparison to others, as implied by Rivero. The suppression of African Americans in this state continues to emphasize itself “Black Oregonians are more than twice as likely to get arrested for marijuana than their white counterparts, found a American Civil Liberties Union study released in 2013,” a fairly recent study in which exploits the truth about race in relation to marijuana arrests (pg. 10). Once this bill passes, this trend of blacks getting incarcerated for menial charges would not continue, thus giving the African American community a chance to thrive in Oregon.

I found this article very useful, because I never realized the impact that legalizing marijuana in one state would place on the African American community. A drug viewed as restricting and dangerous by some, actually poses an opportunity for a community of citizens to liberate themselves and contain the opportunity to create their own lives and carry on the lifestyles they desire. Evidence points to other state officials within the United States finding this article the most useful. Within the text, Rivero points out a comment made by Marqusee, ‘“We hope that once this law goes into effect, it will help other states start from a better position when they are drafting legislation,”’ she said. ‘“It should be standard,”’ marijuana placed an astounding impact on this state’s community and laws. If the bill gets passed, the outcomes occurring in this state will be observed to see if these type of laws should exist beyond Oregon.

– RS 1 written by Ashley Bedford


Filed under RS 1

The Small Town Girl Talks Weed Legalization

2highMy name is Ashley Bedford and here is my blog post:

The current “new wave” changes in our society, such as the acceptance of gay marriage and controversies on abortion, shifted the way we live our lives and the things we tolerate as individuals within this society. Along with many other changes, the legalization of marijuana remains as a “hot topic” that many Americans feel needs a solution.

As a fresh adult in our world, I never encountered a situation in which weed directly affected me or my family. I would “stay the course”, as they say, focusing on the most important elements of my life, going to school, getting good grades, basically assuming the “good girl” role. I always kept friends that played a great influence on me and never allowed me to stay off my track.

It’s safe to say I lived a privileged lifestyle up to this point, but thanks to technological advances, I’ve stayed informed about the world around me through various media mediums, such as the local news and internet web posts.

FoxMarijuanaPollHuffington Post caught on to a Fox News poll showing a rise in marijuana legalization supporters within the past fourteen years, similar to that of the rise in supporters of gay marriage in the past, not only displaying the significance of the topic, but the widespread popularity in keeping up with this specific topic. Also stated in the article, one reason marijuana would not exist as a legalized drug, because of the drug’s high classified danger level, sitting right next to LSD and heroin on the list. Considered by many, the consumption of marijuana could potentially save lives and integrate into the medical field to help others, yet as the Huffington Post article states, the danger of marijuana could pose a threat on people’s lives.

I see the widespread popularity of marijuana legalization in our society through the Huffington post, along with many other sites, and start to question why. Similar to cigarettes, marijuana would serve as a product that contains many side effects, negatively harming the body, yet the majority of consumers approve of these negative side effects and would continue to use the drug regardless.

In observing our society’s trends, regarding their actions, I consistently found the majority to win in persuading the rest of the nation to submit to agreeing with their views, even though sources like the Huffington Post and Fox News do not explicitly state this, nor do they, and never will, admit this.

TRUENormative Social Influence, exactly stated in Wikipedia, officially defined as “the influence of other people that leads us to conform in order to be liked and accepted by them” plays a big role in society daily, because, similar to the gay marriage controversy, people want acceptance by society, so they agree with the legalizing weed. An example of this massive conformity lies on the day that gay marriage commenced as a legal action in America.

While many people posted their opinions, many felt the need to change their profile pictures to a rainbow filter in an effort to display that they accept the majority and support the law passing. Although, these kind of actions occurred to celebrate a new moment in American history, the amount of people that changed their profile pictures consecutively exemplifies this conforming mentality and non-individualistic approach to widespread controversies, like that of  the marijuana issue. Many people “followed the crowd” and did not stop to question why they should change their profile pictures and what message would that send about themselves, and what they stand for specifically, out in this world. Of course, not to imply that I oppose gay marriage, but the idea of embracing others’ opinions about a topic and not specifying your own or taking action solely after the implementation of a crucial action reinforces this idea of normative social influence.

Where the normative social influence of the topic of legalizing marijuana stands, plays a huge role on this shift in society siding more with the drug’s legalization than opposing. An article from the Pew Research Center states that many Americans side with legalizing marijuana due to the criminal laws attached to the possession of this drug and many favor a lenient law, replacing the harsher one, attached to marijuana.

I agree that the marijuana laws place citizens in American jails over a “petty” charge, as rapper Two Chainz stated in a recent interview with Nancy Grace. Where I disagree in this lies in the very reason that this drug contains a harsh set of laws. My government teacher would always say, “the government is reactive, not proactive when it comes to laws,” and this very saying backs the government’s awareness of the drug’s danger level, because the government reacted to the growing hype of marijuana usage which lead them to restrict the very possession of it in the majority of places.

Exposure, even as much as decriminalizing this drug, would not only emphasize the effect normative social influence contains on changes in society, but would also would endanger people’s lives through their health and eventually will create more problems in our community.dogweedmeme


Filed under Blog Post 1