Author Archives: Evelyn

About Evelyn

Hi, my name is Evelyn and I love to spend time with my family and friends whenever school isn't killing me.

Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug?

Boeri, Miriam. “Is Marijuana a Gateway Drug?” Newsweek, 4 April 2015 web, 15 July 2105

Society has evolved the idea of marijuana being the gateway to other addictive and dangerous narcotics. According to Miriam Boeri, a journalist for Newsweek,  argues that marijuana is not a gateway drug like we’ve come to believe with her article “Marijuana is not, I Repeat, not a Gateway Drug”. Boeri points out how marijuana is not the cause of gradual drug addiction when she writes “Research shows that the vast majority of marijuana users do not go on to hard drugs.” Boeri explains the different factors that do not make marijuana the portal to heroine, cocaine, and other drugs.

Boeri explains the biased research indicating how marijuana is the root of drug addiction. In a 2014 article by a neuroscientist named, Dr. Jodi Gilman, he explains how marijuana use can lead to drug addiction. Although, Boeri states how there have been many critics in the article writing “But other researchers were quick to point out the flaws of the Gilman study, such as a lack of careful controls for alcohol and other drug use by those whose brains were studied.” She also informs how researchers and authors don’t include users who have been doing cocaine at a young age and never tried marijuana. Boeri examines other factors that lead to drug addiction that don’t include marijuana such as poverty, poor social environment, bipolar disorder, antisocial personality, and so on.

Most of the research Beori relies on has to be from resources outside of the United States or grassroots within the U.S. She argues that it is difficult to research on the plant,because it is still a Schedule 1 drug, and it is difficult to get research for it approved by the Federal government. On the other hand, when the research is approved politics usually has the say in where the research leans toward when Boeri writes “For decades, scientists who study addiction have received millions of dollars in government and pharmaceutical funding to perpetuate the gateway hypothesis.” Most research for marijuana in the U.S is toward the gateway theory.

The scare method has a huge effect on the gateway theory. In Beori’s view, she states that the scare tactics for marijuana has been modernized used mainly by politicians. Their “drugs scares” are aimed at the youth, saying drug use will increase among them. Beori states “But fears of decriminalization resulting in increased use among youth haven’t been supported by research from countries where drugs were decriminalized.” making their statements invalid. She points out the use of marijuana among the young did not increase in states that had legalized medical marijuana.

This article made me realize that marijuana isn’t the cause for all drug addictions. I always had that in the back of my mind, if marijuana was the “gateway drug” and the main portal to drug addiction. There are many causes which lead to higher norcatic addiction, and the research behind it is very complicated. My opinion for marijuana has shifted a bit since reading this article, because marijuana is not the root of all evil. Like this article stated, there are people who have smoked, but stop after they reach adulthood. Although, marijuana will always be a very opinionated subject no matter what side of the debate I am with.

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To Each His Own

Hey, my name is Evelyn Alvarez and honestly, I don’t have a very passionate opinion on marijuana. I have two brothers and none of us smoke it. Some of my friends do it occasionally, but it’s nothing excessive. I see marijuana as something people do, because they want to,  and what do I care if they do or don’t smoke. I don’t run their lives.


This is how I see it, from the day we are born we are taught “good and bad” morals. If at the age of fifteen a person decides to smoke marijuana then they should already know what they’re getting into. At that age they should already have their own mindset, so smoking is on them. Once they make up their mind there’s no way to change it.

This debate has been going on since the beginning of time (I’m exaggerating, but it feels like it has). In all seriousness, I cannot see the big deal over this basic plant. When I was a kid I was brainwashed, by my mother and school, into thinking weed was the worst thing in the world and, if I ever did it, I would die.  Now, after I’ve looked at the facts and the experiences from my friends, I don’t understand what makes this debate so heated. Everyone has their own life and way of thinking and there is no way to change that. We are all born with different perspectives on what is right and what is wrong. If smoking seems good for you then do it, if not, then don’t.

I don’t think this debate will ever be settled, or at least, anytime soon. Marijuana will always be an irritating topic, because people still smoke it, even though it’s illegal. People do what they want and no law will stop them from doing it. They have their life and we all chose how we want to live our own lives. So, I’m ending this with a wise quote from the very smart Riff Raff “To each his own”.


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