Author Archives: Sabrina

About Sabrina

My name is Sabrina Marie Villanueva, I'm 18 and I'm from Brownsville, Tx.

Research Summary 1

“Is marijuana a gateway drug?” The economist, 26 March 2015.

The author of this article argues with Chris Cristie’s, governor of New Jersey, view of marijuana as a gateway drug to other drugs. The author goes on to reason with Cristie’s gateway theory but states his position that marijuana is not a drug in that category.

The Economist writer begins the article talking about how marijuana is so common that it is no wonder if “any abuser of hard drugs is likely to have encountered it along the way.” He also states that “heroin addicts [have] previously tried chocolate” while also explaining that chocolate did not make them heroin abusers. According to the author, establishing a casual link between marijuana users and hard drug abusers is a tricky bit considering marijuana users “in America [have] steadily increased” while cocaine users have decreased in numbers since 2007.

The author continues to reason with the governor’s theory by saying that it was true that heroin use ” has been going up, but the gateway drug there seems to be prescription painkillers.” The only reason the author believes that there might be a link between marijuana and hard drug usage is because of the supplier. He continues by explaining that most marijuana suppliers often give samples of new drugs to their customers. He goes on saying how this practice of buying marijuana off the streets “gets youngsters in with the wrong crowd.”

The journalist agrees that “exposing more people to marijuana could prime more brains to enjoy other substances” and he also suggests that the factors would be the same with people who have been exposed to prescription medication, alcohol, and even tobacco. Alcohol and nicotine, according to the author, have the same “cross-sesitising” effect that marijuana does and therefore marijuana should not be blamed for people’s interest in furthering their drug use. The anonymous author of this article insists that Governor Chistie’s worries, about marijuana being a gateway drug, are misplaced.

I found this article useful because it does make a valid point that drug abusers, although exposed to marijuana once in their life, have also been exposed to other factors that could have contributed to their problem. The information found in this article shows that marijuana is what users make of it. Coming from a town sitting on the Mexican border, I can tell you that the information that the author states, about drug suppliers introducing their customers to harder substances, is valid. That being said, it is quite evident that marijuana may not necessarily be considered a gateway drug.

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The Blunt Truth

Hello, my name is Sabrina Villanueva. Ever since I was little my mom would tell me how bad smoking marijuana was and her reason was “just because.” She said if she ever caught me high she’d throw a chancla at me, Ha! I’ll have you know she told me this my first day of kindergarten! I kid you not my mom even went to the extent of bringing home a drug test when I was in middle school because I came back from a long day of basketball practice “dazed and confused.” Apparently being exhausted was the new high. Being from Brownsville, TX, it is not hard to come upon marijuana, but I would never go against my mother’s word even though I disagree that marijuana is bad “just because.”

4de8d6a1676ffab19238a78166e59e13bdf2483f7a6787f49218c7a387a613e8I personally would not use marijuana because I choose not to, but that does not mean that I think it is bad or shouldn’t be legalized. I say that marijuana should definitely be legal. I mean, how can it be any worse than alcohol or prescribed narcotics?

Since I a kid I was persuaded to believe that people that did smoke marijuana were dumb. But why? That’s like saying everyone that has taken a sip of beer was a drunk. As I have grown older, my eyes have opened up to realize that there are more benefits of legalizing marijuana than if it weren’t. And that’s the truth, it is literally the blunt truth!

I can go on and on about marijuana and it’s benefits but I’m sure you have heard it all before.

But I will tell you why I think marijuana should be legalized. There’s always that one pot head in your family that says marijuana makes them feel good and what not. My cousin is one of them. He always “wakes and bakes” or so I’ve been told. It wasn’t until recently that weed actually helped him with his Bell’s palsy. Many people with Bell’s palsy take months to recover their facial muscles back to normal but for my cousin, it only took two weeks thanks to weed.

Scientists from the University of Bonn agree that “endocannabinoids seem to play an important role in regulating inflammation processes” and therefore speed up Bell’s palsy recovery.
If marijuana were to be legal, it would be in the hands of the holder to decide what to do with it. Legalizing it would not mean you would have to go out and start smoking a joint because it’s legal. Now, my mom may not like my stance on the subject, but I’m sure she’ll see my point of view when marijuana is legalized.

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