Author Archives: Shayla Myers

RS Summary 1

Venosa, Ali. “The High Road: A Marijuana Breathalyzer May Soon Catch People Driving Under The Influence By Detecting THC.”, 15 Jul 2015 Web. 15 Jul 2015.

Majoring in Journalism and Science Writing, Ali Venosa, writer for Luxos Magazine and The Brown and White Newspaper, has set out to her next topic, marijuana breathalyzers. Confused, Ali questions its urgency since, much is still needed to learn about marijuana’s affect on humans. Comparing it to alcohol breathalyzers, she also challenges its accuracy in terms of marijuana’s long lasting effect within our bodies. Going forth, within her doubt, she tries to discern common sense amongst entrepreneurs who feel the urgency to come out with the first model.

Initially, the author talks about marijuana breathalyzers inevitability due to the rising popularities of smoking marijuana, and the concerns that come with it.  Humorously, Ali mentions the entrepreneurs that seek to be the first to patent the device. “ Other hopefuls in the race to create a THC breathalyzer include Lifeloc Technologies Inc …” Many companies seek the opportunity, however marijuana poses lots of complications that prolongs manufacturing and even doubt others,  like Ali. “… The science and reasoning behind how cannabis affects driving is far from being established.” Since marijuana can remain in our bodies systems for weeks, even months,  Ali questions the breathalyzers accuracy.

Later within the article, the author differentiates the differences of being under the influence with alcohol compared to marijuana. “The consequences of driving under the influence of alcohol have been publicized- and is well known to the populace…” This introduces her view on how marijuana isn’t recognized, and wonders “ what it means to be ‘under the influence…’” Many states have indeed already set different laws on driving while high, however they vary drastically depending on how intoxicated you are. Therefore, another concern of Ali’s is, if there was a marijuana breathalyzer, shouldn’t it be able to dictate how high a person is at that moment and not from two weeks ago.

At last, Ali sums up  her article with an analogy to alcohol. “ A breathalyzer that was unable to tell the difference between a driver that had one beer and a driver that had eight would be rather useless in law enforcement today…” Law enforcement dictates a driver’s sentence depending on how intoxicated one was at the time being. If alcohol breathalyzers read one and eight beers as the same, then law enforcement would have a difficult time during trial. With this said, the author finishes with the article convinced of her own belief. “…It remains to be seen how a THC breathalyzer will fit into the picture.”

This source is valuable in my research for I got to learn about the uprising marijuana breathalyzer, and got to read a contradicting view on it. This article has shown me how marijuana is going to become as broad and popular as beer is, and with that comes consequences that need to be resolved. My peers can find this article useful if they want to learn about the upcoming marijuana breathalyzer and the controversies it brings.

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Cant Have Candy!

Hi, my name is Shayla Myers and I’m from Dallas TX! I have two older brothers, one who came to UT himself, and another who I’ll talk to about later. So to be quite frank with you  I have personally smoked marijuana. Young, and naïve, I fell under the influence of my surrounding peers, only to get up and regret it till this day. However, unlike me, most are still suppressed by this green, emotionless foliage.

What is it about marijuana that people feel the need to claim over? Is it the so called high? Is it the feeling of being cool? Well any one of them can tell you their own reasoning, but can anyone explain the truth?

As humans, we tend to take advantage of what’s handed to us. Ever heard the phrase “…All good things must come to an end”, a classic idiom from American idioms? Well, that’s an example of this circumstance. What was meant to heal and cease pain, has now been downed upon because of humanity’s own demand for personal gain.

In this hyperlink, you can see some quite interesting facts of the history of marijuana.

Stealing-Candy-CopySo, as biased as I may seem, I still have mixed feelings towards the use of marijuana. While I believe its usage can be taken advantage of, I still don’t want it to be illegal. You can’t just make someone not do something. It’s like telling a child they can’t have candy. All their going to do is want it more. Well, at least I know I would…

When It comes to putting things into our body, shouldnt it just be us, the people, who decides what goes into it? Yeah, yeah, maybe the government is trying to protect our health, but if they were really trying, they would have shut down half of these fast food restaurants. So maybe it’s just to protect America’s reputation. We are pretty much a disliked country to many, and legalizing marijuana would just add to the “Why We Despise America”  list, and we don’t want that.Kanye-West-Shaking-Head-NoI suppose now would be a good time to bring up my other brother. He is a 34 year old man who sadly has cancer and has struggled with it for many years now. He has been on his death bed twice and through those times I thought I was going to lose him… However, today he  is doing rather fine, and when he’s not, he can get medical marijuana prescribed to him.

Now to all of you who are feeling bad for my brother or just glad he gets to use medical marijuana, I’m going to stop you there. This is where I go back to my other conflicting point of view. My brother is an example of  how people take advantage of a health supplement. He plays his cancer card and gets to smoke it whenever he feels the need.

child-stealing3_s300x300If I’m being totally honest, I believe it wasn’t the cancer that changed his life for worse, but instead the marijuana. If I could take it away from him, I would. However, like I said earlier, you can’t just tell someone they can’t do something. All they are going to do is want it more…


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