Author Archives: Telana

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Shapiro, Susan. “Cannabis crazy: It doesn’t just describe the move to legalize weed. It could happen to you.” LA Times. 03 January 15. Web. 15 July 2015.

Susan Shapiro, an award-winning journalism professor and the coauthor of the bestseller “Unhooked: How to Quit Anything” and the author of the memoir “Lighting Up,” sheds light on the controversy of marijuana legalization by arguing drug how addicting the drug can be. Shapiro claims she is ambivalent about the legalization of marijuana because she was addicted to it for twenty seven years and knows first-hand the destructive effects it can have. She argues that smoking pot is not worth it by asking her intended audience, “Is the high worth the low?” Shapiro goes on to explain her experience with the drug.

According to Shapiro, the country brought the number of states that decriminalized marijuana to eighteen. Shapiro argues that states such as Colorado and her hometown of New York are proudly showcasing their newly found laws. Shapiro claims that she is afraid that these newly found laws and recent screen glorification as “High Maintenance” and “Kid Cannabis” “send young people a message that getting stoned is cool and hilarious.” As Shapiro points out, she is very skeptical about the way marijuana is portrayed because she knows its ruinous effects. To illustrate the impact marijuana can have, she reminisces on the times she bought weed in bad neighborhoods at 3 a.m., confronted a dealer for selling her a dime bag of oregano, and let pushers she barely knew to deliver weed, like pizza, to her home. Shapiro goes on to describe her experience to be similar to that of Walter White’s self-destruction from meth on TV’s “Breaking Bad” and the delusional nightmares in the film “Requiem for a Dream.”

Shapiro remarks about the multiple times she has warned her students that getting stoned greatly increases the likelihood of something bad happening by reminding them that weed blurs reality, reduces inhibitions, and can regularly lead to tragedy. Shapiro refers to two incidents in Colorado that led to a 47-year-old fatally shooting his and a 19-year-old student jumping to his death that were both linked to pot. Shapiro argues that “the weed of today is far stronger than in the past.” As Shapiro points out, the strength of pot varies nowadays and it’s impossible to predict its effect. She admits that one hit from a pipe or bong would leave her reeling.

Shapiro admits that “being a stoner was easy. Quitting was hard but gave me more to live for.” In other words, getting high was easy for Shapiro because it was her way of “escaping”, but giving up her addiction paved the way for good health, marriage, and a thriving career. Shapiro believes that pot smokers shouldn’t be sent to prison, but that they also don’t belong on pop-culture pedestals either.

I found this article useful because it gives a perspective about marijuana usage from a person who actually went through the battle of addiction. It gave me insight to a viewpoint that differed from mine. Other people in the class might find this useful if they are thinking about the addictive aspect of marijuana and what it can do to those over a period of time.


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Mary Jane Is Here to Stay

My name is Telana Weeden. People have asked me where I’m from at least ten times in the past four days and I always reply, “Dallas,” in the driest tone possible. However, I don’t consider myself “from” Dallas. Dallas has only been my place of residence for the past three years and where I attended high school. I was actually born and raised on the south side of the beautiful city of Chicago, Illinois. I grew up on the Southside where marijuana—or “weed”, as Chicagoans like to call it–was definitely not hard to come by. I grew up around it. Everyone knew where–and how–to get it. You would think it was legal based on how easily accessible it was.

If we’re being honest here, I have smoked before. I was peer pressured and had the idea that smoking weed would make me “cool”. I had the mentality that if everyone around me was doing, then I should be doing it as well. My friends were doing it and my cousins were selling it. It was a normal recreational activity.

Over some time, my viewpoint on the legalization of marijuana has changed from opposition to agreement. While I have seen what it can do to those who smoke it religiously and I’ve chosen not to smoke, it has been a great advocate to those who have health issues and experience pain. If it can be helpful to someone, then I am all for it. I feel as though if there is something out there that can help people it should be taken full advantage of.

There are those that say smoking weed is dangerous and it’s a bad thing to do…blah, blah, blah. These are the people who are unfamiliar with it and always assume the worst because of what is put into the media, but isn’t alcohol just as bad when abused as well? It’s more toxic, more addicting, and more harmful to the body. People have died from alcohol. Nobody dies from marijuana. As the prominent actress Jennifer Aniston puts it, “I enjoy smoking cannabis and see no harm in it.” If Rachel Green can smoke pot without being classified as the stereotypical marijuana user, it can be assumed that marijuana can’t be that bad. 5x18_Rachel_smokes

Now whether or not marijuana is legalized will not stop the use of it because ultimately people are going to do what they want to do. It has been that way for decades now. Now if you ask me I think Mary Jane is here for the long run. It’s been here and I’m certain it will stay.

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