Michael’s Research Update

In thinking about possible research topics, one of the things that was mentioned in class that has given me the most guidance is to choose a genre that I am genuinely interested in. I have extreme difficulty engaging with reading that I am uninterested in, so picking articles that are personably enjoyable makes processing information and interacting with the text much easier. The genre of text that I have chosen is comedy. I have a very humor-driven personality, and I take great enjoyment in consuming comedy in all forms of media. However, when one things of food, comedy is not the first thing that comes to mind. My only concern is: is there enough comedic food articles available for me to construct a solid annotated bibliography? Also, will I need to select my articles using a more specific focus (writing format, author purpose, audience, etc.), or is it ok to simply use funny articles in general?

I started my research process by using fairly vague search terms in Google, such as “funny food writing. One thing that I found to be particularly useful was that oftentimes, authors will include links to other humorous food-articles, so I’ve been able to find a lot of comedic food writing by examining the sources of other writers. I think this is going to be one of the primary ways that I get my own sources. For example, Violet Meyer wrote the following article entitled “Funny Food Writing” which includes 6 hyperlinks to other works of comedic food-writing. Although these articles differ in writing style and content, they are all very funny and have given me a great start to my research process. I particularly enjoyed “Dear Guy Who Just Made My Burrito”, and plan to include it in my annotated bibliography.



One thought on “Michael’s Research Update

  1. Looking at the sources of the articles you found is a great idea that I will definitely be using. In response to your questions, it seems like you will have enough sources of funny writing to make an annotated bibliography, however there is a chance that there are too many and you will have to narrow it down. Maybe you can pick examples from certain different types of funny food writing such as satirical reviews or humorous recipes and focus in on smaller ideas within the broader topic. The links you posted are very fitting and excellent starting points for your topic; I especially liked the letter to the guy who made my burrito.

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