RS 3: Thank You, Donald Trump!

Ferrera, America. “Thank You, Donald Trump!” The Huffington Post., 03 July 2015. Web. 29 July 2015.

Of Honduran descent, America Ferrera was born and raised in Los Angeles. She is a graduate of the University of Southern California with a degree in International Relations. Ferrera is an award winning actress and a positive image of Latinos in popular culture, serving as a mentor to young Latinas and working to empower Latino community. In her open letter to Donald Trump, Ferrera responds to Trump’s comments about Latino immigrants. Ferrera reminds Trump that he called Latino immigrants people who bring drugs, crime and rape to America. Ferrera argues that even though his comments were, in Ferrara’s words, “incredibly ignorant and racist”, she is writing him not to chastise him, but to thank him instead.

Ferrara begins her argument by stating that she thinks that Trump’s comments about Latino immigrants are worth addressing, however she feels as though his business partners, Univison and NBC, have the power to scold him where it hurts. Instead, she satirically thanks Trump. According to Ferrara, Trump sent Latino voters straight to the polls with his comments. She admits that his tactic proves to be more effective when it comes to getting Latinos to vote. She goes on to write that Trump’s remarks brilliantly energized Latino voters and increased turnout on election day to vote against him.

According to Ferrera, Latinos are the largest, youngest and fastest-growing constituency in the United States. Ferrera states, “That’s right! You are running for President in a country where the Latino population grew by over 49 percent from 2000-2012, while the rest of the country grew by 5.8 percent.” Ferrera points out that Trump made comments towards a community that could be the determining factor on whether or not he receives the necessary votes to be President. Ferrara also claims that Latinos are the future and that they aren’t going anywhere.
Ferrara points out to Trump that without the Latino vote, there is no chance of him ever winning the election. Ferrara emphasizes to Trump that if he doesn’t believe her to ask former President Bush or President Obama.

Ferrara goes on to remind Trump of America’s recent milestones such as marriage equality, universal healthcare, and the removal of the confederate flag. She points out the positive direction the country is moving in which is why racist remarks won’t change anything. She asserts that Trump’s racist remarks will only rally more Latino voters to the polls and ignite a fire in the community. Ferrara once again thanks Mr. Trump.

Ferrara continues by thanking Trump for reminding the Latino community that there are still bigots in the country that need to be combated and to not sit at home on election day, but to run to the polls. Ferrara thanks Trump for sending out the rallying cry. She stresses that Trump fails to see that immigrants made up the nation. Ferrara concludes by telling Trump that he will not reduce the Latino community to drug dealers and rapist. Ferrara emphasizes that people of the Latino community are valedictorians and honor students. They are college graduates, bankers, police officers, entertainers, teachers, the future of America, and so much more. Ferrara ends her letter by telling Trump to “Keep it up!”


Filed under RS 3

5 Responses to RS 3: Thank You, Donald Trump!

  1. I love Trump in the fact that he is making the GOP look bad and that is very very good. The GOP is full of insane candidates such as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, and much more. I like that he is making the party look bad because it’ll allow the latino voters and the younger generation to vote for the Democrats. So I totally agree with her sarcastic sign of appreciation, because I totally agree. Hope he gets the GOP Ticket, because then we will FOR SURE have a Clinton or a Sanders in the White House.

  2. Kamran

    I think Trump is foolish and arrogant. He is making a joke out of himself and indeed makes the GOP look bad. Fortunately this will significantly benefit the Democrats. The GOP are in a big crisis as long as Trump is running as a republican candidate. His comments towards the latino community made no sense at all and because of his absurd comments he should be banned as running president.

  3. Itza

    Anthony has a point. I never thought of it in that way. It makes sense that he is being an embarrassment to the GOP , therefore benefiting the Democrats. Although I despise him, I would also agree with the appreciation of Trump’s foolishness. Banning him from running as president , as mentioned by Kimberly would also be a benefit to the U.S.

  4. Briza

    I read this article and thought that America Ferrera made a point over the fact that by stereotyping Mexicans, Donald Trump is actually making Hispanics pay more attention to the news and potential presidents.Although, what really interested me about this article was its comments section. People in the comments were praising Trump for being so bold and there were others who conducting their own arguments and debates, it was actually pretty interesting.

  5. Evelyn

    I agree with the comments in the fact that Trump is affecting the GOP. It gives the democrat party more of a advantage. Trump is just an old man with too much time in his hands. He is not someone to be taken seriously even though he did offend Latinos, but it only shows how ignorant he is. Either way, his campaign is a joke.

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