Here’s a list of fun stuff I’ve come across in my own research.
SprATX recently completed this unusual commission. Source.
SprATX, an Austin art collective
Susan Floyd, “West Campus” (with an attached, years-long archive of Austin street art)
Morgan Ireland, “Keeping Austin Weird: Graffiti and Urban Branding”
Andrew Takano‘s amazing time lapse project “Start Fresh: Never Give Up” featuring the HOPE Outdoor Gallery
An interview with Takano about his project
Sofles is an internationally-famous graffiti writer from Brisbane. He’s garnered much of his fame from his high-production digital content, such as what you see above. Read about his 2009 conviction here.
Timelapse cinematography is a very popular genre of digital graffiti content.
In that vein, check out this strange 21st century production: a local waste management company sponsors a burn and then pays a production crew to time-lapse it.
Wikipedia glossary of graffiti (includes regional terms)
A very brief guide to graffiti styles. Graffiti is a type of calligraphy (among other things) and as such there are thousands of variations in style, many with their own regional names/designations; try to just master the basics for this project
Another online exhibit on graffiti (commissioned by the Russian Federation for UNESCO)
P.S. The digital really impacted the graffiti scene in the late 90s. Check out these long-running graffiti websites to see how they’ve grown.