Here’s my personal recommendations of Lynda tutorials that will help you complete this project. (You will need to log on through the portal in the Video Essay Guide in order to access these.)
Here’s my personal recommendations of Lynda tutorials that will help you complete this project. (You will need to log on through the portal in the Video Essay Guide in order to access these.)
I experimented a bit this weekend with the quickest way to import data from a DVD or big video file into Premiere.
You can’t take files directly from a DVD because they are encrypted to deter pirating. So first off, you probably want to convert anything you’re putting into your video essay into an .mkv file. The three major competing video files types are .mkv (universal), .avi (Microsoft supported), or .mp4 (Apple supported). You will be submitting your final project in .mp4, so keep that in mind as you explore these digital file converting tools.
To convert DVD material into .mkv:
You don’t need to convert standard video files like .mov or .avi to import them into Premiere because Premiere integrates all these file types into the “sequence” you create in your project (giving them the same frame rate, audio codex, etc.) But if you need to convert a video file into .mkv or .mp4, do the following:
“Said argued that the concept of the Orient as other serves to establish Europe and the West as the norm.“
In regards to the quote above, can the same be said in reverse?
Orient/oriental is an umbrella term that throws people of Asian descent into a neat little box with no further questions. The way we generalize people of certain skin color, ethnicity, nationality, and background has all to do with the norms established long before we learned what any of these things really meant. When Edward Said coined the term Orientalism, there was a sense of an US vs THEM mentality among society and its media that has been going on for hundreds of years—West vs. East. It’s prevalent in our daily lives, ingrained in our pop culture. How many times will we see white writers and directors take on projects that involve presenting an aspect of a certain culture to us before we begin to negate said content that ultimately doesn’t do the culture justice?
The perpetuated stereotypes presented by Western media for Asian men: sexual predators to white women, asexual/emasculated men, flamboyant villains, and Kung Fu masters.
The perpetuated stereotypes presented by Western media for Asian women: hypersexualized, the Lotus Blossom, the narrative of the white man saving the Asian woman during colonial and military history (aka China Doll), and the Dragon Lady (even if Lucy Liu looks like a badass).
As much as we enjoy these characters sometimes (believe me, I love me some Kill Bill) it’s also a matter of being aware that these depictions aren’t as accurate as they could be. It’s just a lot more fun if we can see a culture from a more exotic perspective than a realistic one, isn’t it? White writers would never give you that. It’s the same reason cultural appropriation is a thing–we like the exotic appeal of things, not the true nature of them.
With race relations in the U.S. at an all-time controversial high, it’s safe to say that more and more people are questioning the status quo, asking why it’s still the same group that gets to decide what normal is. The reason this quote cannot be said in reverse is the same reason reverse-racism is not a real thing—who holds the power? If you’re not white you’re a minority, right? So the majority rules—literally. That’s not to say being a minority means you’re free of prejudice or don’t have the ability to push the same racist stereotypes but the shift in power would never be handed over to a minority group. In the grand scheme of things nothing really changes in the overall attitude of society if say a black person is prejudiced against a white person, white is till the norm therefore white remains in power despite whatever the black person does against them. But the problem with who gets to establish what the norm goes far back beyond what we see now.
When Europeans came to settle in North America, they came with a very narrow mindset of what was right and wrong—there were no other groups to tell them otherwise, besides the Native Americans and well that didn’t go down too well. Native Americans were seen as savages, uncivilized, heathens who didn’t know how to govern themselves. Europeans took over and decided that they knew what was best for this group of people. They established a norm just by believing it and enforcing it—because if we stop to think about it, every norm is but a social construct not a rule of nature. Race is a social construct that those same European settlers created when slavery became a “necessary evil” in their minds. To justify their treatment of African Americans they established this ideology that these people with darker skin color were destined to be inferior than them. All throughout slavery’s history, it was widely accepted as the white man’s duty to in some form or other save the black people because without them they wouldn’t know what to do with their poor, uneducated selves. When America was establishing itself as a nation, the more people came in the more diverse society became. With that diversity came conflict and if you open an American history book void of a white-washed perspective, you’re hard-pressed to find that a major non-white culture ever co-existed peacefully with the pre-established notions of race this country had. Racism has always been and remains to be about who holds the power which is why white has to this day remained the default for everything that matters, everything that’s “normal”.
The rise of original content from streaming services is definitely something that is going to be putting more and more pressure on network television. Thousands of people are ditching cable for Netflix, HBOnow, Hulu, CrunchyRoll, etc in the recent years. And the more that do, the more capable these companies are to dish out higher production value programming. Take Netflix’s House of Cards for example. The first season was directed by David Fincher, a director known for movies such as Fight Club and Seven. If you watch the show, you will see just how much Fincher is weaving in cinematic qualities of filming to a “television” program. Shows that compare on network TV are AMC’s Mad Men, Breaking Bad, and pretty much any HBO program (though they also have their own streaming service now that is not linked to a television provider). Network TV is going to have to incorporate more cinematic qualities into the shooting of their programs if they are going to keep up with the streaming services, which means spending a lot more money on the production side. They also need to adapt to the way that people are watching television programs these days, by binge-watching. Some providers already have an on-demand feature that has the recent episodes of the most popular shows for their subscribers to watch whenever they want. I think there will have to be more of these options for people with non-traditional schedules that want to be able to view their programs at will. This goes against the traditional weekly episode system that has been around for decades of serial TV, so I don’t think it will be the easiest change for the medium, especially when factoring in the networks’ advertisers.
I think the portability of television has a lot of different negative and positive impacts. The fact that we can pull out our cellphones at almost any time (depending on the quality of your service) and watch something on Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, or HBONow is pretty remarkable when compared to just a few years ago. I think it has been a good thing, following the invention of TIVO and the DVR, because not all of us can be home to watch what we want when we want. But on the other hand, I have seen it drastically change the way people are parenting their kids, for better or for worse. At a boring wedding last summer, I saw a few children just sitting at their table the entire time watching a program on Netflix. When I am at a restaurant, most children I see have an iTouch or iPad to keep them entertained. Lots of parent’s these days just hand a child a device to get them to keep still and quiet. Not that this is necessarily harmful in all cases, but I think it could be a potential negative impact for the children’s developmental and social skills. I think the portability is also changing the way we watch some genres of TV. In my opinion you wouldn’t choose to view the latest Batman movie on your phone, you would lose that cinematic experience. The same goes for more cinematic television programs such as Game of Thrones. So when people choose to do that, I think they are losing some of the intensity and production value just by staring at a 4 inch screen. I think we are going to start seeing more productions that are explicitly made for portable viewing, whether that be a good or a bad thing.
A good discussion of what we talked about at the end of class today:
In his textbook chapter, P. David Marshall talks a lot about the increased portability of television. I’m going to preface this blog entry by mentioning that Marshall wrote this piece in 2009, back when watching portable TV meant putting a disc with the first season of friends into your portable DVD player on a long car trip. Even though it’s only been seven years, portable TV has changed drastically. For many, it means watching Netflix on your iPhone at the gym… or on a plane… or at a boring family gathering. So that’s what I’m referring to when I say portable TV.
The most notable change brought on by portable TV is increased consumption. There are now screens EVERYWHERE, which has both its pros and cons. The most apparent con is that we get less exercise and sunlight, but increased consumption fosters a community feel, since TV brings people together.
Portable TV also affords us more agency. Marshall talks about how traditional television leaves little up to the consumer. Yes, you can choose which channel to watch, but other than that, the TV does its own thing and continuously spouts out content and information. With portable TV like Netflix, we can pick when and where we watch shows and episodes of our choosing. Although we could be robbing ourselves of valuable information using this method, increased agency is generally a good thing for the consumer. It puts more pressure on networks to create quality content since there’s a more pressing threat that we’ll simply watch something else if their shows are bad. Hollywood went through this same transformation when the spectacle of movies began to wear off and Edison lost his monopolistic control over the industry.
The third biggest change deals with content and affects networks rather than audiences. Since screens continue to shrink and audiences increasingly bingewatch, producers must find a way to cater to these new needs. Marshall mentions that some shows have tried to change filming styles to better suit phone screens, and writers have complicated the plots (Jane the Virgin is a great example of this) to hook viewers for hours on end. It’s too soon to tell weather or not this is a negative or positive development for the TV industry.
Portable TV has undoubtedly changed television’s landscape. Like any development, it carries both negative and positive changes, but overall, the agency, community, and content change are largely beneficial.
Aaron Williams gives some great advice on translating writing composition skills to video composition here.
Here’s some analysis and editing advice from Tony Zho. You can read the full Mentorless article here and the Reddit AMA here.
On editing
1) Try editing standing up. I cut like this. Walter Murch cuts like this. We’re gonna start a club. You may not end up doing it, but you’d be surprised how different your body feels. Just remember that you need to take care of your body because editing is very stationary. Even if you end up sitting, take breaks.
2) Always sleep 8 hours. Nobody edits well on lack of sleep, and it is a stupid belief in this industry that editors want to lose rest. No, we don’t.
3) Trust your emotional instincts. If you watch a piece of footage and it gives you an emotional reaction (whether a laugh, a feeling of disgust, happiness), save that clip and mark it down.
4) Get to the rough edit as quickly as possible. The assembly is always brutal. Get to rough so that you have something passable to show people.
5) Show it to people. Do not trust what they tell you to change. People are extremely good at feeling when something is wrong, but not always at articulating it. Your best guide is to watch their reaction during the film. Wherever you see attention flag, or a laugh, mark it down. If they write up their notes afterwards, you can read em, but never trust those notes more than their actual reactions while watching.
6) Editing is largely mental and mostly about patience. Basically, there’s you and there’s the footage, and you’re going to wrestle. You will eventually come out on top, but the footage will not make it easy for you. Subdue it. Kill it. Drink its blood. Mentally, of course.
7) Every once in a while, test yourself by doing a speed edit. Basically, knock out something in 8 hours. You will fly on instinct and get to the end and realize that hey, your instincts aren’t half bad. Now go back and overthink everything.
On analysis
- Take a class on script analysis. Learn how a director breaks down a script. Then get your hands on a movie script, pick a scene, guess how the director would shoot it, then watch the actual way he/she shot it.
- Bring a film into Final Cut or Premiere or Avid, and just watch it backwards and forwards, muted and unmuted, B&W, color.Watch for camera placement, movement, everything. After you do this for a while, you won’t need to bring the movie into Premiere, you can just do it on the fly.
- If you’ve seen the film before, watch it with an audience and kinda watch them. Their “on-the-fly” reaction to the film will teach you more than many critics. When do they lean in? When do they cross their arms? When do they laugh? Is it at the same place you laughed?
You can find a lot of movie scripts here, by the way. See if Tony’s suggestions help your scene analysis!
Said argued that the concept of the Orient as other serves to establish Europe and the West as the norm.
It can be said that the West as the norm serves to establish the the orient as the other, since Western culture in a way subconsciously established itself as the norm through various aspects. This idea of binary opposition where we identify as something being a certain way therefore we must be this, or the opposite of that concerning this particular topic traces back to the era of colonialism. Instead of these countries traveling and identifying the West, the West went and “discovered” them. That already puts these lands and people which just so happens to be parts of the Middle East, Asia and Africa in a state of inferiority or being uncivilized, whether that be the case or not. Since these lands were subject to colonization and then became partners in trade with the West, we have looked to these areas as foreign and mysterious. Thus creating the cultural construction Orientalism that establishes the East as the Orient and the west as the Occident or the norm. This construction is then maintained by familiar cultural representations, especially stereotypes though culture and the arts. This reinforcement is made by artists painting seductive women which started movements such as the Neoclassical, or pictures that can reinforce common false assumptions of how Egypt is mostly made up of sand dunes and camels. These examples support how many of these stereotypes are still prominent today and can be easily identified through visual media. Cinema is full of cultural stereotypes and can be traced back to binary opposition such as in the movie The Mummy Returns where the plot is based on an Egyptian curse. Or Aladdin where the antagonist is tall dark, mysterious, a sorcerer and wears a turban. Not all of the Middle East is Muslim speaks Arabic and wears hijabs or turbans, yet that is how Western culture tends to associate those people. For a more recent example, not all Hawaiian men have tribal tattoos, wear straw skirts, and participate in luaus, yet that is the first thing that comes to mind when people of Western civilized culture think when they see the word Hawaii . A land that we took over not too long ago. Therefore, The West or the Occident has established the norm by the events and practices throughout history such as colonization and control of other countries that have identified foreign land as unfamiliar and the Orient which unfortunately makes it subject to discrimination.
It is difficult to say if the West would have some sort of cultural construction if colonization didn’t occur, I’m sure some sort of stereotype would still be present just based on the advancement of Western civilization at the height of the era of colonization even if control wasn’t in place, just maybe not the certain extent of how associate Orientalism to the East like we do today. There would still be some sort of feeling towards foreign land due to trade. It would be interesting to theorize what would’ve happened if the situation was flipped. Would the West be the Orient and subject to similar discrimination?
A moving camera operates in a dynamic manner that not only captures a scene that is not still, but, engages the audience into the scene. This sense of engagement or role within the film from the audiences’ perspective is all due to the dynamics of the camera and how the “mise en scene” is developed. There is more to a film than the capturing of shot, the moving camera allows for “the gaze” to be elaborate, an in some cases, maybe more intimate with the spectator. This allows for the observer to have power over the object in a different manner, it is not only examining just the object as a whole, but taking apart the object to discover ideas about it. Yes, the object has ownership of “the gaze” as it is whats being examined but with the limitations of what about the object, the observer wants to see. It is possible to make the mise en scenee due to the moving camera because, a setting can be shown to an audience. Take the 1954 film Rear Window, at the commencement of the film there the camera shows the audience an external/outdoor view of some apartments which allows them to decode the setting for the film.
The artist is the one who is in power of creating the subject which in turn affects the observes power over the subject. Although the prior sentence may seem misleading but it basically explains how the “artist” can paint or create something (subject) and arrange (montage) it in a particular way to have the audience (observers) analyze the product. In the film, there are other ways that the moving camera demonstrates the effectiveness of movement. For example, once the scene or setting is shown to the audience, we are then taken into the apartment of the main character, protagonist, journalist who is sleeping. A close up is then made of the character as we examine his face being awoken by the second character, a female that kisses him. It is intimate, of course a kiss in general in intimate, but with the innovation of moving cameras we see the exchangement of words and expressions in a more complex manner.
Thus, the ethics of the artist, subject, and observer are dependent on the positioning and creating of the camera and scene. Having close-ups, then reverse-camera shots demonstrate the level of excitement within a conversation in a film, which an audience could decode as important or not significant. Monaco said it best in the reading Language of Film, “Film has no grammar. There are, however, some vaguely defined rules of usage in cinematic language, and the syntax of film- its systematic arrangement-orders these rules and indicates relationship among them” (Monaco p191). Ethics can only be established by the method an artist decides to develop the “mise en scene” which will then depict the relationships an audience identifies with, giving them the power, to decide how to decode the subject. Taking another reading into consideration for further elaboration is form Sturken and Catwright where they identified that “Just as images are both representations and producers of the ideologies of their time, they are also factors in the power relations between human subjects and between individuals and institutions” (Sturken & Catwright p93). Not to confuse people with the different subjects at hand, but they do interpret how an observer can be effected by the artists’ creation and a moving camera has much to do with what Monaco and Sturken/Catwright have to say about the relationships between power of an observer and the object being identified with.
The Gaze
Said argued that the concept of the Orient as other serves to establish Europe and the West as the norm.
By: Victoria Martinez and Angel Ortiz