My Definition of the Rhetoric of Food

As the semester comes to a close, I think that I am able to sufficiently define the rhetoric of food. When I first signed up for this class, I had no idea what to expect from it. I had no idea how much effort and thought goes into writing the simplest of recipes, whether the author is trying to show the true historical roots of the recipe, or just a blogger trying to portray his/her passion for food and food writing. I think the rhetoric of food also encompasses the connection between different cultures—there are so many ways to prepare a certain dish and each culture has a different way of doing so. It is so interesting that the authors of these recipes will include the how and why of each preparation. Food texts represent so much more than food; it represents the history, culture, and passion for food and preparing food from different human beings. I think that recognizing food as more than just something humans eat to live or to enjoy and turning it into a text is the best definition I can think of for the rhetoric of food.

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