My Research Update

After the first few weeks of research, I’m starting to develop an idea of what my topic will be.  I was really intrigued by our introductory reading in this unit, Deborah Holtz and Juan Carlos Mena’s Tacopedia.  Having grown up in and around Mexican culture, it was very interesting to read more about how corn became so vital to sustenance in early Mexico and to see how corn usage has evolved over time.  My initial interest with Tacopedia led me to look into other sources relating to Mexican food culture.  In research, I have found the UT Libraries scoUT function extremely helpful to finding relevant and credible sources.  One source I’ve found that I think will make a really interesting addition is Gustavo Arellano’s Taco USA, which recounts the importance of Mexican food in the melting pot that is United States food culture.  

    Although I’m finding plenty of sources, I’m still struggling with finding a good way to organize them.  The traditional folder of web bookmarks isn’t cutting it anymore, and I’m wondering, what are you guys using to organize your documents and your thoughts about them?

    Overall, I feel like my research is coming along nicely.  I believe that I’ve settled on a good topic I have a lot of interest in.  I’m still in the early stages of documenting my ideas about the sources I am finding, but I think I’ve found many sources which will be complementary to my finalized annotated bibliography.  

2 thoughts on “My Research Update

  1. Scout was really helpful for me also. To organize my potential sources, I’ve been keeping a word document with the links and narrowing them down once I see what all of my options are.

  2. I love the topic of Mexican food and think you will find a lot of information on it. I haven’t really used the scoUT function yet at the library so good to know that it exists. I have used Zotaro and it’s worked so far for mapping out what I have looked at in my resources.

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