Caffeine without Corruption

What all goes into your morning cup of coffee?

I don’t know about you, but coffee is a big deal to me. It has been my constant companion since 9th grade. So when I was contemplating topic ideas, coffee instantly came to mind. I decided that I wanted to learn more about the coffee industry to know about the labor that goes into the beverage I consume on a daily basis. I want to be aware and informed of the slavery and unfair conditions that are going on in the coffee industry so that the decisions I make aren’t contributing to corruption. To begin, I am using Google to get basic information about the coffee industry and what all goes into the production. I am hoping to research more about the different countries where coffee is produced and learn about what kind of labor is going on in each country or I might narrow my focus to one or a few countries. I want to learn more about:

  • how much slavery is involved in each country
  • what the different types of labor are that are being used (child labor, forced labor)
  • what all goes into the process of coffee production
  • what does Fair Trade coffee entail (what are the benefits, what are the drawbacks)
  • what companies ethically grow and manufacture coffee


One thought on “Caffeine without Corruption

  1. I think this is a really interesting angle to take on a beverage that many people consume every day without much thought. I don’t think many people are thinking about what goes into their coffee every day- rather, they are more focused on quick consumption of their beloved drink. It sounds like you have a good plan for questions that need to be asked about the coffee trade. I am definitely looking forward to reading more about this topic later on!

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