Emily’s Research Update

Over the past few weeks, I have significantly improved my perpetual state of writer’s block. Usually, when I have a writing assignment, I delay and delay, trying to find the “perfect” topic, the “perfect” way to phrase my thoughts, the “perfect” supporting articles, etc. However, through my Learning Record Journal and expanding my research tools beyond Google, I took a more proactive, effective approach in my research, and I have finally decided to research food marketing and business.

At first, I was stumped on what to possibly research in the wide world of food. However, by using Google, cookbooks, food magazines (like Bon Appétit), cooking novel excerpts, etc., I gained inspiration for several topics, such as American-French pastry-making, the New York food scene, the history of Vietnamese food, etc. I settled on food marketing by recalling my past semester during recruiting season. I interviewed and networked (and almost accepted a job) with a huge food company, and I genuinely loved my conversations with the employees/recruiters about how they market their products. Recalling these enjoyable interactions, I decided to combine my love for food and my business background to research food business and marketing – from ubiquitous brands, such as Coca-Cola, to new, trendy fads, such as Sprinkles Cupcakes. I also plan to use primary research by conducting informational interviews with my prior contacts at the food company.

A couple of articles that I found interesting and relevant to my research were about Sprinkles’ marketing with their cupcake ATMs (http://www.contentboost.com/topics/content-creation/articles/375548-whats-sweet-you-sweeter-sprinkles-marketing-strategy-behind.htm) and General Mills’ decision to cut US advertising expenditures (http://adage.com/article/cmo-strategy/general-mills-plans-u-s-ad-spending-cuts/304764/). These are high quality articles that explain the behind-the-scenes marketing/business strategy for two completely different food brands.

Does anyone have suggestions for other research tools and/or search queries? Are there any suggestions on questions that I should ask the food company employee?

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