Research Update

I have decided on the topic of the American food industry for my annotated bibliography. After working on the Nutrition Team at the Whole Foods Global Offices, I was able to get a behind-the-scenes look at one of the America’s healthiest grocery stores. With my background in nutrition and experience working this job, I’ve gained a great deal of knowledge about the healthy side of the food industry. However, I realize that this exposure isn’t necessarily shared with the rest of the American population considering the current state of our nation’s growing waistbands. Moreover, I realize that the majority of the American population doesn’t abide by a healthy diet, yet obsesses over food and diet tactics. My question is why? Fortunately, there are experts and journalists who share a similar interest in this topic and have some of the answers. Michael Pollan, the author of The Omnivore’s Dilemma and Food Rules, has done in depth research on the history of cooking and eating, and discusses the dilemma humans now have with all of the food choices. In the book Salt, Sugar, Fat, Michael Moss shares his discoveries on some of the major food companies (i.e.- Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Pillsbury, General Mills) that produce the vast majority of the processed food in America. On top of these books, documentaries on this topic include: Food, Inc., Fed Up, and Cooked. Aside from those books and documentaries, I’ve started to research articles published on the EBSCOhost database using key words, such as, “America”, “food industry”, “obesity”, and “processed food”. Through this research, I’m hoping to expand my knowledge on the factors contributing to obesity and the food obsession in this country. Moreover, my aim for this annotated bibliography is to make connections between the different publications and hopefully make some discoveries for myself in the process. Although I still have more research to do, I’m currently stuck on figuring out how to properly summarize large books and documentaries in the form of text.


One thought on “Research Update

  1. I really appreciate how you are using your personal experience working at Whole Foods as a basis for your topic/bibliography. The fact that you are already knowledgeable about this topic and are familiar with many possible resources will make your bibliography really informative and interesting. I also like that you are seeking to make discoveries for yourself through this.

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