Genre Conventions: Tasty Videos

The goal of Tasty Video is to get as many likes, shares, and views as possible. This is unique within the rhetoric of food in that the goal is not necessarily to make the food. The second goal is to present the food in a way that makes viewers want to cook it along with demystify cooking for a younger generation. Tasty Videos serve as a quick break from the Facebook newsfeed to showcase food content. The videos are short 30 sec-60 sec, easy to follow, and take away all of the hard work that goes into preparing any dish.

The formal elements of the Video is time, pre done food preparation, combining foods, music, and editing. The timing is part of the appeal; it is edited to be no longer than a minute which lets the autoplay go one without really bothering the viewer. It is short enough that it’s worth it to watch the full video and not just scroll past. The next element is the food being pre prepared. Most of the work in any dish goes into preparing the food; washing, dicing, and measuring it but in a Tasty Video all the work is done off screen. The video is edited to cut out the work and only show when ingredients are added in. They speed up the time and artfully zoom into shots of the mixture being made. Tasty Videos are always short and beautify the cooking process. They are relatable to all as they only feature hands; no face is ever shown which unconsciously make the watcher imagine their own hands doing the action.

These videos and this genre is geared towards the quick and mindless market. Within food this is new as typically it’s hard to mindlessly cook. This changed how we understand recipes; where it was telling us how to cook and a little about the recipe it is now showing us a glamorized version of ourselves (the hands) cooking. This glamorized version of cooking is a good introduction into preparing your own food.These videos are supposed to help people become more comfortable around the topic of food preparation and it does just that.

It’s important to remember a good chunk of millennials grew up without knowing much about food preparation. With easy delivery food options and pre made meals being the norm in many families growing up there is a slew of young people who don’t know how to cook or prepare food for themselves outside of a few basic recipes. While the Tasty Videos to some are easy and mindless (to those who have cooking experience) they can be a great introduction for the novice cook.

I tried to include videos from Tasty the brand and the channels with similar content. Within the recipes I included diversity in where they were from and the experience leveled needed to cook the dish.

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