My favorite reading was the “Consider the Lobster” reading. I’ve always somewhat struggled with the ethics of eating meat in general, but I never once extended those feelings towards animals like shellfish. To learn that these animals that we boil alive might be feeling extreme pain was quite unreal to read about. I really enjoyed the subsequent debate and discussion we had in class that day; it was one of the most memorable class discussions we had.
My favorite reading I did on my own accord was “How BuzzFeed makes money from its Tasty food videos.” From my own anecdotal experience, I knew that Tasty videos reached an incredible amount of people, but I didn’t realize just how big these videos had gotten. According to this article, Tasty videos reach “500 million people a month” or “one in two Americans.” It was also interesting to learn that Tasty has become somewhat of a consulting firm, because of their vast collection of successful videos.