Author Archives: Kimberly

About Kimberly

My name is Kimberly but you can call me Kim. I'm majoring in biology and I'm excited for this summer at UT. HOOK'EM \m/

Opposing Views

LaBenne, Larry. “Smoked Marijuana Is Not Good Medicine.” Drug Topics. 2 June 2014. Web. 12 Aug. 2015.

The argument that the article is making is that marijuana not only affects the users it also affects those around them. The article gives an example of a child accidentally digesting a piece of marijuana because it was not properly labeled as a medicine. The speaker’s assumption is that by keeping marijuana illegal, people will stay safe. Pharmacists, have the significant opportunity and responsibility to protect people by educating patients on the facts about the established risks with using smoked marijuana as medicine. As well as applying there unique skill sets to advocate for the development of safe and effective alternative dosage forms and delivery-systems. They also mention keeping marijuana out of pharmacies. Their ending point is that it is bad enough that most of them are already dispensing products on a daily basis that are only said to be safe and effective, when they know the opposite to be true. They often find themselves in situations where they dispense pursuant to questionable prescriptions. They state “We need to get off of this slippery slope before it is too late. If smokable marijuana becomes uniformly legalized for dispensing in pharmacies, what will come next? Let’s not find out.”

The article makes the argument that marijuana should not be legalized due to its affects to those around them. The speaker’s constitution is that be keeping marijuana illegal then people will maintain safe. However, the refutation to that is just because the government makes it illegal doesn’t automatically make everyone safe. Marijuana will always be available on the black market, which includes questionable people that deal marijuana, who do not care who buyers are and have no regulations. There is mention of a child that ingested marijuana by accident, due to improper labeling. The issue with that argument is that marijuana is not always going to be properly packaged due to it not being seen as a medicinal drug. Once it’s seen as a medicinal drugs certain regulation should be put in place to prevent situations like this from happening. The speaker also states that they must inform patients’ effective alternative sources. This is not a convincing argument for those who see marijuana being the last resort for some as well as being much cheaper than pharmaceutical prescriptions. Over all the speaker has a flawed argument. They do use an example and a constitution to try and get their view point across. They state that marijuana affects are harmful to those around users, however, only state one example where it has affected someone other than the user.


Filed under Blog Post 4

Legalization Debate

The YouTube video is a clip from The Dr’s the show. The topic they are talking about is whether or not marijuana should be legalized. In the video they ask people in California (where marijuana is currently legal), their view on the legalization of all marijuana in the country. The majority of the peopled interview were pro legalization due to it medicinal and economic benefits. There is mention of how obtaining a medicinal license for marijuana is easy, basically making recreational. One of the speakers (A) goes on to say that legalization would end the war on drugs, as well as voicing how she thinks marijuana laws are unjust and extreme. Speaker (B) is a pediatrician and worries that once marijuana is legalized it will increase the chances of kids getting it. Speaker (A) response with young people smoke cigarettes, yet it’s not being questioned on illegalization. Speaker (C) adds that cigarettes are going out of style and a lot of the health problems that you get with smoking a cigarette are the same as if you were to smoke marijuana. She also states that there are laws banning smoking tobacco in certain areas and speaker (A) agrees with in order to prevent public intoxication. However speaker (A) believes that adults in a free country should be allowed to smoke a “joint”. Her view is that all marijuana use should be legal as long as the person is of age. Speaker (B) in reply to her says that if the government were to do that that they might as well legalize “drunk driving”.  Another speaker (C) who is against the legalization, also states that if legalized it would harm kids (driving while intoxicated as well as harming brain development). The speaker (C) then goes as far to say that if marijuana is legalized, then so should cocaine and morphine. In response to the comparison of marijuana, cocaine and morphine, speaker (D) states they are not the same thing. Speaker (B) says she is only taking theoretically. However, speaker (A) response with if marijuana is illegal then the government should outlaw alcohol as well because it’s a drug too. Speaker (A) says that adults should have the freedom to smoke in the privacy of their own home. Speaker (C) says that in the states where marijuana is legalized, kids are getting more than before it was legal. She goes on to mention that there are studies that have proven deleterious effects that marijuana contains. While speaker (D) agrees that there are studies of deleterious affects, yet there is still the argument that THC can help reduce pain however to many people abuse the right of medicinal marijuana licenses. He does see where it can benefit some, however, the majority of people saying they need it when in reality they do not. The source teaches us that the speakers are not fully ready with all information due to the facts being repeated and them avoiding some of the questions. The audience that commented seem to see passed what they are saying they agree with speaker A who is not a doctor, then they do with those who actually are doctors (Speaker B C D). We learn that the situation of marijuana getting legalized is still a blurry topic, the see both the benefits and the harm.

This is a credible source because it allows the reader to view multiple views on the legalization of marijuana. Not only are you getting the views of doctors but you are getting the view of those who are not. Along with the speakers you have the audience who have left numerous comments on their view. The clip is originally from the show The Dr’s, a show that people watch because they trust the doctor’s views on things concerning one’s health. They do use facts in their arguments however they don’t directly state where they find them. The text does argue in what seems to be a responsible manner however at times they would cut the other off or talk over them.

A comment on the clip talks about teenagers and how they may be affected if it were to be legalized. He states that if it were to be legalized less teenagers will be able to access it. His thoughts are that when it is illegal people will have to get it from a dealer, one who does not care how old you are as long as he makes his money. However if it is legalized people will either have to show dispensaries there medicinal license or proof that they are 18 years of age. It is clear that the speaker is for the legalization of marijuana. The reader is able to see, that he does not see it as a problem for kids if it were to be legalized, through the way he says “when are these dumb people going to get this(it will not give kids easier access to marijuana by legalizing it).”

The Doctors. “Marijuana Legalization Debate .” YouTube. YouTube, 15 Aug. 2013. Web. 4 Aug. 2015.

Marijuana Legalization Debate

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Necessary: Marijuana

download (5)Mitch Earleywine, Ph.D. is an associate professor of psychology, at State University of New York at Albany, who believes marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes. Dr. Earleywine argues the view of medical marijuana his opponents have. They think that there are other drugs are available for appetite loss, glaucoma, nausea, vomiting, spasticity, pain, and weight loss and there is no need for marijuana. He responds to that remark by stating people differ and there are multiple treatments for almost every human problem. Some patients do not respond well to other medications and need medical marijuana to alleviate their symptoms. He also says that many pharmaceutical drugs create aversive side effects that these patients cannot endure. In addition, medical marijuana is often markedly cheaper than these other medications. He also addresses the concern over marijuana’s impact on respiratory health is easily remedied. Dr. Earleywine says there are no links between marijuana use and lung cancer or emphysema. The associations between smoked marijuana and symptoms like coughing and wheezing can be remedied with the vaporizer. The vaporizer heats the plant so that active ingredients boil off into a fine mist, which contains no tars or noxious gases, making respiratory complications a thing of the past. This article is relevant to the controversy of whether or not marijuana should be legalized because it addresses the benefits of it.

This article is a credible source due to it being on CBS News and the fact that it highlights the view of a doctor who has actually been around the research of medicinal marijuana. Dr. Earleywine does back up his argument with factual evidence as well as research he has done on the topic. The venue being CBS News makes it credible, being that they have been around for so long and are trusted be the country to put out factual news about things happening with in the country. The text does present factual evidence in a responsible manner and you would probably be able to look them up. However he does not cite or credit where he has obtained his information from. The reader would be likely to believe him due to the fact that he is a doctor and they could assume that he has done his research (since it comes with the title).download (4)

Dr. Earleywine believes that the “most humane and just approach to helping the sick requires that we continue the availability of medical marijuana”. He mentions in the article how the use of marijuana “has a history spanning over 4,500 years”. Legalization of marijuana is beneficial, although there may be multiple pharmaceutical on the market they could “create aversive side effects that these patients cannot endure” as well as they are “often markedly cheaper than these other medications”. He recognizes that his opponents point to Dronabinol, synthetic marijuana in pill form. He however doesn’t think it’s a good idea due to those who may have trouble swallowing due to nausea. He also addresses the fact that people may fear respiratory health and he responds by saying “There are no links between marijuana use and lung cancer or emphysema.” Dr. Earleywine is for the legalization of medicinal marijuana because of it benefits

Earleywine, Mitch. “Opinion: Medical Marijuana Benefits.” CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 5 Mar. 2009. Web. 30 July 2015.



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My Communities

download (2)The two communities that I associate with are being a Hispanic and a volunteer. A big part of the Hispanic culture is family and inspiring those who come behind us to do better as a race. When it comes to family the one thing that is always implied is how it is expected of my generation and I to advance further than those before us. Everyone has always told my cousins and I that we were going to college and we were going to make something out of ourselves, so that we didn’t have to go through the same hardships they did. To me volunteering is a big part of who I am. I enjoy volunteering on my down time and helping those around me on whatever they may need. Staying involved with my community has allowed me to gain an appreciation and ambition. Seeing what it is like to be without has made me very thankful for what I have.

download (3)I have never been stereotyped for being a volunteer, however, I have been for being Hispanic. About two years ago, my friends and I were on the wealthier side of town. We had been out trying to find the perfect birthday gift for one of our friends. While in one of the stores we had realized that one of the sales ladies had been following us around pretending to organize an already spotless store. We knew she was following us because any part of the store we went she was there. There were plenty of other people in the store for her to be watching, yet we were the only ones that were darker skinned. She finally approached us and asked “Are you all even going to buy anything.” I had not been affected by the ignorant lady who assumed because of our skin color we could not afford the things in that store.  I casually walked away, however my friend didn’t appreciate her comment and responded with “Why would be here if we weren’t buying anything genius.” Before my friend continued with what I knew would create a scene, I pulled her away and we continued shopping. When it was time to check out, the manager who was working the reregister knew we were frequent customers there, and asked if we had any problems. I turned to the lady who had been following us around, but decided to take the high road. However as always my friend who can never keep quiet said “it was great other than this chick following us around assuming we were going to steal something.” After that the manager apologized and said he would talk to her, needless to say we never saw that lady working there again.

I found two organizations that would like to join in the fall one being China Care and the other being Hispanic Health Professions. China which is non-profit service organization dedicated to fundraising lifesaving surgeries for medically fragile orphans. They raise over $10,000 every year to sponsor surgeries ranging from cleft lip palate surgery to heart surgeries. Hispanic Health Professions is provides Hispanic pre-med, allied health, and pre-dent students with academic information, peer support, and cultural camaraderie. Being a volunteer has instilled in me that if I want to see change I have to go out there and do something about it. As a Hispanic it is important that we rise in society and no longer be known as the people who are uneducated and un-wealthy.

China Care:

Hispanic Health Professions:

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Filed under Blog Post 2

Hazy Laws

Conan, Neal. “Doctor Says Medical Marijuana Law Hurts Teens.” Alt-PressWatch. 10 Feb. 2010. Web. 20 July 2015. <>.

This article is an interview between Neal Conan, an American radio journalist who host the National Public Radio talk show Talk of the Nation, and Dr. Christian Thurstone who is a psychiatrist in Denver who specializes in adolescent substance abuse. He argues that the medical marijuana laws are a mess he also goes on about the effects it has on kids and how anyone can get their hands on medicinal marijuana.
images (1)  He states that he constantly hears how marijuana is not as bad as alcohol or not    as bad as tobacco, but he thinks that for adolescents, marijuana can be very harmful. “Adolescence have a developing brain…the brain is really developing quickly during adolescent years, and so, using a toxic substance during those years can be quite damaging and produce possibly permanent deficits in memory, as well as how the brain is – ends up being structured.” He mentions how kids show up and how easily they get marijuana from their relatives and from their friends. They then tell him how they could get medicinal marijuana, with increased potency, off the streets. His patients would inform him how marijuana was their preferred medicine, because it would help them with their anger and other problems such as stress and anxiety.

Dr. Thurstone patients have their medical marijuana license, and  they describe the process of getting the marijuana as going to the doctor, which they can easily look up in line or in the newspaper, and then visit for about 15-minute. They then pay about $300, and they complain, the doctor then asks them if it helps them feel better, and come out with a medical marijuana recommendation. The problem he sees is that the doctor who proscribed the medicinal marijuana is that one they did not call him or insist on a psychiatric consultation, and two being the doctors did not have an ongoing relationship with any of his patients. The problem for him is the proscription mill. He shares how in Denver “physicians can practice within a medical marijuana dispensary, so you can go directly to the dispensary. It’s really one-stop shopping. You go to the dispensary, you meet with the physician briefly, and then you can go over to the dispensary and get your medical marijuana, and then out you go.” He thinks that people do not take the drug as seriously as they should.images (2)

Dr. Thurstone argument is on how the laws on medicinal marijuana are very lose in terms of who should and should not be allowed to proscribe marijuana. He believes that only those who really need it should have licenses, due to marijuana ending up in the wrong hands. He does not like how adolescents can be affected by it and not being able to reach their full growth potential. This article would be beneficial to those who are looking for incite about how adolescents are affected with the legalization of marijuana.


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