Class Readings

I really loved all the intricacies of the various recipes from the class reading, however my favorite piece of writing I read would be the Farm to Fable piece regarding the restaurants in Tampa. I enjoy not only when a piece is well written, but when I learn something new from it. The Farm to Fable piece really opened my eyes to issues I was completely unaware of. How is it legal to serve pork as veal? I had so many questions after reading this piece. Maybe I was interested in this piece, because I am interested in the things it was sharing. I love the boldness of this piece and that it was very research based. You could definitely tell the author worked really hard to gather data and organize it. She did a great job presenting her information and still making her writing interesting. I also enjoyed her direct quotes of questions she asked various restaurants as well as her ability to highlight the hypocrisy of the various Tampa restaurants.

Of the readings I did myself, my favorite was probably The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food. It was very informative and exposed a lot about the food industry, not unlike the Farm to Fable piece. The piece showed me a lot of surprising information about the way the food industry makes its food, and it gave information directly from first hand sources. While very lengthy, the author revealed so many things that were unknown to me. I couldn’t help but want to know more.

2 thoughts on “Class Readings

  1. I also loved the Farm to Fable piece! One of my favorite restaurants at home is a Farm to Fable style restaurant and I am pleased to know that they actually do grow their own vegetables and farm their own animals. This text was extremely eye-opening!

  2. Farm to Fable was definitely an eye-opener. I couldn’t believe there were people practicing such deceit and serving it without shame. I really liked how you appreciated this text the most because of its boldness and what its purpose was. It really makes me think about the audience and how investigative journalism is used a tool in order to dig out some of the most complex information that others can’t do.

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