Michael’s 3 Drink Recipes

I decided to choose alcoholic drink recipes because my roommates and I have recently taken up drink-mixing as a hobby. While society may (ignorantly) dictate that is emasculating for men to consume beverages of the fruity variety, I myself have no shame in partaking in the occasional marg or hard cider. I dedicate these 3 recipes to all the men in the world who deny themselves the consumption of fruity drinks because of fear of ridicule. Be brave, gentlemen.

Mango Margarita:


Pomegranate Mimosas:


Peach – Raspberry Tequila Sunrise


6 thoughts on “Michael’s 3 Drink Recipes

  1. I worked for a liquor distributor this summer and got to taste many fruity drinks that I otherwise would’ve never tried out of fear of being judged

  2. I immediately was drawn to these three recipes because I also have just started getting into drink-mixing. I also love the fruity drinks, although it isn’t as taboo since ladies can acceptably drink fruity, sugary drinks. I enjoy the fight for freedom to drink whatever you want!

  3. I have no shame in ordering the fruity beverages. They can be delicious and refreshing as long as they’re not too sweet for me. Mango and mint are two of my favorite things, so I definitely need to try out the margarita.

  4. I also love drinking liquids!!! Mangoes are very tasty so having it in a margarita would probably be delicious. Unfortunately I am not 21 yet so I cannot have the alcohol, but maybe in a year I will try this recipe.

  5. As a lover of fruity drinks, I completely agree that society needs to get over the gendered bias of what we consume. Margs are honestly my favorite!

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