Research Update

The research I have done over the past two weeks is slowly starting to come together. Last week, I was focused on choosing a topic that I was interested in and making sure there would be enough information on that topic for the annotated bibliography. I am going to focus on Thai food and the culture that surrounds it. So far, I have mostly been using Google, but this is because most of the research I have done up to this point has simply been researching the historical significance of some Thai dishes that I enjoy. The first website I have been looking at is This website has helped provide me an overview of the history of a few popular Thai dishes in addition to explaining some Thai traditions, such as certain holiday dishes. I need to figure out a more specific topic I want to focus on and once I am able to look at a few more sources, I think it will be easier for me to come up with something more specific relating to Thai traditions. As I get further into my research, I have been citing the websites on the notes section on my laptop. For me, this is the easiest way to stay organized as I can pull up all my sources on one document. The next part of my research will focus on narrowing in on a topic and finding sources from a variety of authors.

One thought on “Research Update

  1. I think you have a really great idea for a topic. One suggestion I have if it seems too broad is to make your topic “the history of Thai food in america”. You could possibly discuss how Thai food and its popularity has evolved in America, and when it was brought over. You could also compile some sources on the variations of popular Thai dishes in America such as Pad Thai or fried rice.

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