Research Update (Nima)

I have had an extremely busy week so far in regards to scheduling, exams, and internships, so I haven’t had much time to work on my research project.  I think I am doing fine so far, though, because I have already decided on a topic.  The topic I wanted to do my research on is pretty broad yet specific at the same time, since it is an ingredient.  I decided to do my annotated bibliography on avocados.  I have already looked on amazon for some books concerning avocados, and I also am going to check Wikipedia’s sources on the avocado article.  I will go through the UT library website as well, so I’m confident I will have plenty of material for my topic.

One question I had for any of my class mates that read this:  What is your opinion on my chosen topic?  Is it too broad or too specific?  If it is too broad, how do you think I can narrow it down, and if it is too specific, what do you suggest?

If the topic is too broad, one change I considered making is to change the topic to the cultivation of avocados over history, or the versatility of avocados.  Everyone knows that avocados have many uses, such as extracting their oils, using them for cosmetic benefits, and of course eating them.  Maybe there are some uses that are not as publicized.

One thought on “Research Update (Nima)

  1. I think you should narrow down your topic. The versatility of avocados could be interesting to focus on. I am having the same problem, trying to narrow down from just focusing on Thai food in general.

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