Research Topic

I originally was going to do research on Chinese food, but I couldn’t find too many sources that were useful so I decided to switch to something else. I decided to look into the history and making of ice cream, and how we have so many different flavors now. I was sitting in my room the other night thinking of some food I like, and I thought about how I was going to get ice cream after my exam this week, which led me to choose ice cream as my topic. I found several websites online about the history of ice cream, including an article from the IDFA (IDFA Ice Cream History), the Farmer’s Almanac (Almanac), and a page from ( Ice Cream). After learning about the history of ice cream, I thought it would be appropriate to also learn about how ice cream is made. I found more information on the IDFA website (IDFA Making of Ice Cream). I also went on google to look up the popular flavors of ice cream and found a list of the top 15 flavors here (Top Flavors). I know there are a lot of unique flavors around the world and I hope I can find more information about that. I thought going from the history, to the making of, and finally to ice cream today would flow along nicely. When I went on the internet to look up a list of ice cream flavors, I ended up finding a lot of results for different ice cream companies, so I wasn’t sure if I should take a look at a lot of them and then pick out the more unique flavors to include when talking about how ice cream flavors have changed.


One thought on “Research Topic

  1. I love this topic! I am such an ice cream fan so I’m glad to see that a classmate is going to be researching more about it. You mentioned looking into different ice cream companies and I think that is a great idea and will help you meet the bibliography constraint of a “marketing” source. You could look into how different ice cream chains like Baskin Robbins and Marble Slab market their ice cream versus their competitors.

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