Latte Problems

I have chosen the topic of coffee for my annotated bibliography.

There are so many directions I could go with that, so here are some that I’m considering:

  • The history of coffee, when did people start drinking coffee? What has the evolution been (or bean – if you like puns (sorry))?
  • The process of producing and distributing coffee.
  • Slavery within the coffee industry, child labor and forced labor. What the effects of slavery are and why it is so prevalent.
  • I might focus on one specific region where coffee is produced, but I’m not sure whether I’ll do that or generalize it.
  • What Fair Trade is, what it means, what it does, a list of Fair Trade coffee companies

I’m interested to learn more about the process and cost of enjoying our cup(s) of coffee on the morning. I have seen some articles (but haven’t done a lot of research yet) on some of the drawbacks of Fair Trade, so I think that would be important to look into. Hopefully through this assignment I’ll be able to delve into different aspects of the coffee industry, but weave them together in a way that is informative and inspires change. Right now I think there will be complications with figuring out how narrow to go. Do I want to research a specific country? Do I want to focus on child labor? How much of the history do I want to go into/what all is relevant?

So that is the beginning of my coffee journey, more to come.


Some potential texts for my bibliography: – briefly summarizes the slavery that goes on within the coffee industry and gives recommendations of Fair Trade coffee brands. – “Risks of Child Labor on Select Coffee Farms in Nicaragua

2 thoughts on “Latte Problems

  1. Great topic! I love coffee and have it almost every morning but did not think about the history of it. Also the slavery behind coffee industry seems interesting and I would also like to know more about it. I think comparing several countries’ coffee would be on way to think about. Good luck with your research!

  2. Hey I think this is a really interesting topic! I like coffee but don’t drink it too much since I don’t have a coffee machine. I never thought about the history of coffee so I think it would be interesting to get to know more about that and what coffee is like today.

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